Setting up your homestead for the future…

  • msjoann

    March 10, 2023 at 9:52 pm

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Susquehanna-Homestead

    March 11, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    It would be a good idea to situate your gardens and orchard as close to your house as possible. You may want to invest in a side by side or tractor so you don’t have to carry things around. Also, situate your animal pens so you can do your chores while walking in a circle, to decrease the distance you have to walk. I try to show this in the picture. Just an example. Excuse the bad scribbling. The dotted line represents the path you take each morning to do chores.

  • HalfBuBBleOffPlumb

    April 25, 2024 at 2:52 am

    Good video, I’m a bit late in seeing it, but hey better let than never. I tend to look at alot of things on the homestead and the city houses in this sense but also trying to put things in place for when everytjing is turned over to my boys. For example where I put my woodshed, my son asked why it wasnt on the other side of the property. I said i put it on the driveway side figuring 30 years from now if I’m getting firewood and fall someone is more likely to find me coming up the drive than on the opposite side of the property. I think alot of it not only goes back to working smarter not harder but also thinking way ahead in general

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