Don’t defend from your house video
Tagged: #preparedness, collapse, homestead security
Don’t defend from your house video
Posted by Stoutlander on September 28, 2022 at 2:34 pmGreat subject matter Grumpy!
I believe too few think about such things. Grumpy, Bill & Will from Perma Pasture Farms, and Darren from Hacks for the Homesteader put together a must watch video.
Watch the video, then ask yourself “if I was going to attack my home, how would I go about it?” I know it may sound over the top, but you should do it. Then follow the advice from the video and find someone you believe is qualified for the same question.
It is coming. Listen to Grumpy, Bill, and Darren. Be proactive and protect your family and/or yourself.
Semper Fi Grumpy.
JerseyGiantChick replied 2 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 16 Replies -
16 Replies
We had a blast making the video. Unfortunately, it (homestead security during a collapse) is a topic most people don;t want to discuss. If it is discussed, that means that what is happening is real, and it can’t be ignored. I would rather people feel silly when thinking about how crazy the whole things sounds now, than have to deal with a reality that they are unprepared for later.
While at Back to the land, we spoke with a lovely young lady that was from South Africa. naturally, the discussion turned to what farmers in SA were dealing with and homestead security. She gave us two real world examples of why the topic is important. The first was a story about some friends of her parents (white farmers) that were in Rhodesia (present day Zimbabwe). They owned a decent sized farm. One day a trusted farm hand came to them and told them they needed to leave before sun down. They heeded the warming packed everything they could in their vehicles and left. It was related to them later that that night several trucks pulled up to the property. Rebels jumped out with the intent of killing every white there. Not finding anyone, they ransacked the farm, stole everything they could and left. Eventually, the farm was seized by the new Zimbabwe government. The second story was about an uncle, or an uncle of a friend, in SA who’s farm was raided within the last 2-3 years. Several people were killed, produce and animals stolen, and the animals that could not be carted off were ham strung.
I didn’t share these stories to make a statement about the politics of it all. These are just two of thousands of incidents that take place all the time in places going through strife. Pretending that they don’t exist, or they can’t happen here is a recipe for disaster. Even if a collapse doesn’t happen, security on a rural homestead is still important. Isolated rural properties are prime targets for criminals. Ask any insurance agent that supports a rural community and they will tell you aver the last several years insurance claims against property crimes have gone up dramatically.
So call me “alarmist” or talking “crazy prepper” talk all you want. Please, just please, give it some thought and take an jaundice look at your situation and come up with ideas to improve it.
This is a good topic, I may make a video on it in the next day or two while it’s fresh on my mind.
Going to watch the video after work, but just reading Africa I wish a couple Boerboels for our freestead. But police dogs will do the job to, but still dreaming about a Boerboel.
Seen the video. Sad to say you guys are right on target. I would have to suggest that when Billy stated the heugal mound at the entrance could be a place for the other side to take cover. Planting some prickly pear cactus or yucca on that side (the opposing side to your defense), would eliminate that threat. Ever do night land nav in the desert, yea you know.
At the very least, plant poison ivy/oak/sumac in locations that bad guys might hide. Not sure if it would stop an attacker; it would be vindictive as heck, though.
This a good idea as well, make them wonder if it was worth the trouble. At least the cactus and yucca have some edible parts.
Great Video. Have to say, I was planning of doing just what you said not to do! You all have given me many option and will be making adjustments. Thank you. Thank you…. Thank you!!!!!
It is so sad, but the evil people to say that nicely, will take everything and destroy all they can. That is exactly why you should do all that is needed to defend, everything you are able to do. No more nice guy or ladylike, pray and fight like a lion.
Just hope my husband will be ready on time to, because he will see my bad side if the time comes. No more talking, can not stand butchering so he better do what he can do best, and let me do the dirty work.
Good people will not do evil things, but fight together on the right side against evil. For sure I am not going to bug out, but stay home and do what is needed to be done. I will do what the Lord wants me to do. As a mother being a lioness, we must teach the next generation the old and new ways, living in a modern time but be able to use old ways.
Our son is learning to read, and the bible in children version will be his first book. He was asking about the Old Testament, so I gave him his first Bible. His biggest gift, so happy and interested. Taking care of the chickens, helping with home gores and just being a young boy.
Good people will not do evil things,…
There’s the hitch in the giddy-up. The world is full of “good people” that do all sorts of bad things. There is a saying in regards to security that goes, “Locks aren’t made to keep bad people out. They are made to keep good people honest.” I am not negating what you’ve said, just making the point that we won’t know who the “good people” are until we are in the thick of it. That’s why building your community now is so important; vet people now, instead of when your life may depend on it.
Know where you are coming from, always say if someone wants to stab a knife in my back they must pull one out first. No more giving a change having a bad feeling with people, selective as can be. Friends are a very special kind of people, who are always welcome.
Being welcome and share drink and food, is important to us. But it is not a free card for people who are not welcome.
Sadly experienced how bad people think a do evil things, and am not afraid to use that against them if I have to. If you have to protect all you love, you must fight like a lion. Praying it will not be needed, because I am not a mean person. But if God is telling me to do so, to protect my family and who ar a part of our community I will obey.
Experience with security and police force, cood and bad people out there. We all have a good and bad side, good must fight bad. Pray and do good work, be a good one. United we stand …
This is definitely not a topic I avoid, but one I wish more people would take seriously and get actively involved in. Just like anything in preparedness, better to have it (the knowledge, plans and willingness to execute) and not need it than need it and not have it. Security is something I take incredibly seriously, especially since I’m primarily living alone in an RV. The ex is on the road most of the time and comes in for a day or two here and there, but he’s also not of the preparedness mindset. He let’s me do my prep thing and on occasion he takes excess preps to offsite, but that’s as involved as he gets. There is no communication about safety or security. He’s the “average joe” who just believes he’ll be able to “handle it” if anything happens. I’m the exact opposite, I’m always thinking or researching different possible scenarios for my current situation (living in a 5th wheel RV), where I’m at (semi-rural area but close enough that Antifa made several trips here in 2020) and how to strengthen some areas and/or mitigate risks in others. None of the above is ideal or preferred, but you work with what you’ve got.
As far as “looking silly” going through security scenarios, I look at it similarly to raising babies. In order to find the potential dangers that could hurt a child, you need to get down on their level and see what they see. So just get down there on the bad guys level and see what they’ll see. Then fix any possible issues you find.
So just get down there on the bad guys level and see what they’ll see. Then fix any possible issues you find.
Sage security advice JDm!
Just watched the video and even I, having a small (tiny) homestead in a sub urban setting, have gotten some great pointers about natural fencing I can create with my wine berries and stinging nettles I have on the property. Awesome, thanks guys.
Some time ago, I’ve seen a docu about the situation of farmers in SA, some had their cars and trailers ready to go with escape plans and were to meet up with friends, scary thought.
“Survival was a moral as well as a physical struggle. A woman doctor wrote to a friend in June 1933 that she had not yet become a cannibal, but was “not sure that I shall not be one by the time my letter reaches you.” The good people died first. Those who refused to steal or to prostitute themselves died. Those who gave food to others died. Those who refused to eat corpses died. Those who refused to kill their fellow man died. Parents who resisted cannibalism died before their children did.”
This was from the Holodomor, the man-made famine in Ukraine 1932-33. Depending on the source, 3.5 to 10 million died in just 1 year there. My point in posting this is that it can happen fast, and it can happen anywhere at any time. I believe we are seeing the beginnings of a man-made famine right now. For the first time in American history we have a President warn of a food shortage before it happens. He went on to do nothing to mitigate the coming shortage. If anything, he has made it worse.
“The good people died first.” They died because they were not prepared.
Unfortunately true on every aspect. It truly baffles me that “they’re” making it so obvious what they’re doing but so many just don’t see it, don’t question it and don’t care about preparing for it. When did complacency and ignorance override simple plain common sense? 10-20 years ago people seemed so “normal”, but it seems like a switch was flipped right about 2016 and the world lost it’s collective freaking minds and nothing has been the same since.
Do you know the story about the seed bank from Russia? They protected all there seeds with there lives, starved to death because they refused to eat from the seeds all around them. Remarkable true story, we must never may forget and pass on to the next generations to come.
We plant for seed (gene) banks, and I hope to save there work to. They are such a inspiration, can only imagine also withe the Historie from our Family. How strong those persons must have bin, amazing is it not.
We must save, give and teach all we can to our children. Teach them good well, but let them see and experience evil so they know the difference to make the wright choice. Most important how they can protect themselves with the protection from God. Today we read from our son his the Bible, learning to read and he has showing he is ready. Interesting and asking, so I showed him our Bibles and gave him his. He was trilled and full attention he listened and was looking.
As long as there are good people, there is hope. Freesteading is giving us hope, to bild a world wide community. Glad to be a part of that, hope I can help some.
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