Let’s Talk about Programming and Propaganda!
Let’s Talk about Programming and Propaganda!
Posted by Data on August 23, 2022 at 12:08 pm<div>What’s your favorite propaganda piece from the last Century? Here’s a little jewel from the 70’s to start us out!</div>
Data replied 2 years, 1 month ago 19 Members · 45 Replies -
45 Replies
<div>Who can forget the classics!</div>
rofl yeah I’m just a bit too young for these but remember them tuck and kiss yourself goodbye 😂
I do not remember this one at all. The School House Rock series are at the songs that I can’t get out of my head. Conjunction Junction and I’m just a Bill are two I must have seen hundreds of times. Also what ever that one was that said to “not drown your food”… and “hankering for a hunk of cheese”…haha Targeting Saturday morning cartoons for propaganda was the thing in the 70’s
OMG, the schoolhouse rocks videos are engrained as part of my childhood!
I wish the Schoolhouse Rock videos would play today – it would give kids a chance to learn some civics and grammar instead of the bullshit that is taught in schools.
This one here….drives me crazy. There are so many medicinal benefits of marijuana that The baby boomers (and others) could benefit from but are terrified to even try, ie. Parkinson’s, pain relief, anxiety….
I also feel like crime would be less because people would be chillin! Just my opinion. 😁
Such a misrepresentation because it was cutting into the profit of the pharmaceutical companies. Marijuana was used for decades as medicine until it was banned in 1937.
I think there acting would drive you mad and should be illegal 😂
Spags, I’ve never seen this one. I’m pretty sure the meant to say, kiss your a$$ goodbye.
We were trained to do this in elementary school for tornadoes. 😳
Bro…..just check this out. Was on PBS a few months back. So many people didn’t see the absolute issues with this shit:
- This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by SpagsUnfiltered.
I wonder how many people viewing that on Freesteading would see that as a totally innocuous video clip? How many would see it as “Yea, a dog park”, and how many would see it as a messege saying, “If you want change, turn to the government to enable it”?
Just another example of how we are all being played for fools… Thanks for sharing!
Because the government can solve everything. Give me a break.
this made me cringe and make a face of disgust. the ghetto narrator trying to be “hip” and saying the government saved the day makes me want to puke, dude.
Exactly! And that bull shit line in the refrain at the end, “People in the Government helping to build a wonderland.”
Like WTF man! How can the mouth breathers not see exactly what this is is??
- This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by SpagsUnfiltered.
Wow! This is crazy. This is something the current generation should see.
Unknown Member
MemberAugust 30, 2022 at 3:06 amI had a relative that was a participant of one of these tests. He died of parkinsons .. no reparations. He was one of 5 in his test that had not died yet. He wouldn’t even talk about it until the last couple years of his life.
Wow! That’s scary as hell! I could not begin to imagine what that poor fellow went through Moe! Thanks for sharing your cousins story!
Unknown Member
MemberAugust 31, 2022 at 1:27 pm😢
Most people believe “only two” cell lines are used in vaccines!🤦♀️ They need abortions and harvest everyday. Pray for the innocent 🙏🏼Hek293 is another one.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by KramitDreams.
For me the biggest recent line of total propaganda bull💩 is …..”Trust the science”.
This is the same science that once thought x-raying feet at shoe stores was a good idea, the same science that once promoted cigarettes for stress reduction, the same science that use to dish out the original coke with cocaine in it and also the same science that thought a lobotomy was a cure all for many. These folks okay’d roundup, zantac, food dyes that are banned elsewhere,…. the list goes on and on. I trust most science but when it comes to government approved science and pharmaceutical science I have every right to be a skeptic and anyone with any common sense would do the same. The whole “Trust the science” line is purely, intentional propaganda for profit and control. Why so many sheep willingly trust the wolves is beyond me.
That’s exactly how it should be categorized…. bought science.
Bought science has a master that holds the strings.
The master of true science is curiosity. The only strings to it are the hypothesis, tests and results of those who dare to be curious. Even they admit they get it wrong sometimes or answers are limited by their testing capabilities.
One other category of science I suppose is vanity science. Those who only seek acclaim will present faux science as fact just as easily those that are bought. Both are equally dangerous to society and a scourge to the art of science.
I have long said, “Follow the money.” If you want to understand the “why” behind things, follow the money and that will lead you to the motives and the truth behind it.
It’s nice knowing I’m not the only one with open eyes and brain cells lol.
100% Agree! Bought Science is the new thing, fake is the new real and we are living in what I call “The Dis-Information Age”. Where whoever says “It” first, enough times, or convincingly enough, is believed and The Mob shoots first and asks questions later.
Thanks for being a part of the Community AiNt-RiTe-Acres!
Unknown Member
MemberSeptember 4, 2022 at 11:29 pmAgreed fully. 😁
Think the green movement is any different? I have worked for years with defective green policies that were supposed to help people and save energy but turns out do the exact opposite. However, it does favor higher prices and usually helps one manufacturer get a larger market share over another. “The power of pull” is what Ayn Rand would say. When you ask people in the bureaucracy to change some small part of their policy, they take longer to address an issue then most real-world projects could survive, and they complicate the issues so the people that wrote the policy can maintain status quo and not offend anyone (due to their own lack of foresight or incompetence).
Large companies are no better. I presented ideas that would take under a week to implement and was based on pure math (not subjective opinion) that where never even seriously looked at. They would have saved the company millions and saved materials, energy and labor in the process. Large companies favor status quo more than innovation. One gets hammered if they do not do their work….or they do it too well. It is a sad state of things we are in. It likely will not get any better anytime soon.
I love how the origins of the Disney Cartoon “The Secret of NIMH” (National Institute for Mental Health) come from the mouse utopia experiments.
this is a good one you can barely find the MK ultra trials held in DC they were all over YT for years people still laugh like it was not true
I know right! I tell people all the time, we are living in the Dis-Information age… Where lies are indistinguishable from truth and the masses believe them without question. It’s sad.
Goooood Morning Freesteading Friends! Here’s a little nugget of truth that’s more relevant today than it was when it was first filmed, back in 1984! https://youtube.com/shorts/JfYPKEiVC94?feature=share
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