The Sky is Streaked
Tagged: ., chemtrails, geoengineering
The Sky is Streaked
Posted by DeepSouth on January 19, 2023 at 3:03 pmToday like so many days before a storm, our southern MS sky is cross crossed. Storms expected in a couple of days. But today is also one of many days coming with high solar activity expected. Any thoughts?
BakerHillFarm replied 1 year, 10 months ago 24 Members · 48 Replies -
48 Replies
Ya know… one of the many reasons I was looking forward to leaving my hometown metropolis behind was the opportunity to see more stars in the night sky. That’s one of the many things I fell in love with in the Ozarks. From our little homestead in progress I can see far more stars in the night sky and have more natural lighting at night which allows better night vision because I don’t have the light pollution like before. Okay… so why am I rambling about the night sky and how beautiful it is in the Ozarks when this is a discussion about Chem trails? Well it’s a simple observation. At any given point as a gaze at the night sky I may see an airplane or two passing through my field of view. What I don’t see however is Chem trails. Now we are told that Chem trails are a natural by-product from airplanes passing through the sky. So why is it there are no “natural” trails in the night sky? No “vapor” trails blocking the stars? If it’s a vapor trail then surely the cold night air being disturbed by jet engines would cause a similar effect. I’m no scientist or genius by any stretch I’m merely a commoner. I simply wonder… why are there no Chem trails ie vapor trails in the night sky if it’s a natural occurrence?
South Carolina almost always had beautiful skies, now you hardly ever see blue skies and when there are blue skies, the planes are out in full force , criss crossing, not a couple but many till there is not a spot of blue in the sky.
We’re the same in Central Oregon my car looks like it has baby powder all over it.
I have a lot of chemtrails day and night,some times they don’t spray at night, they seem to pick and choose where and when they want to spray. Watch the DIMMING video it will explain everything
I just watched the whole movie and immediately shared the link to the movie with several family members. One young man in my extended family had a recent interview to get an internship with a Govenor. People need to know this is going on. I didn’t mention where I found the link or or information.
Its been sprayed for Manny ,menny years..they know what they are doing 😬
I have seen streaks in the sky for years, but never heard the truth about what was coming out of the planes. Ticks me off that those behind it all can continue to get away with it.
Yes the DEMONS are in control😬 for now🙏
But I remind myself that God knows whats up too. And God is the one that is really in control. They just think they are.
that is right 👍
We had lightning with clear blue sky, after the you now who did you know what.
Heavy spraying yesterday in EC Indiana. Storms coming today. Fast moving cold front with quickly dropping temperatures. And I’m on the couch with terrible vertigo. It happens every time.
I’m sorry for your vertigo. It is truly crippling. I tend to have migraines with big swings in the weather. Typically Spring and Fall, but this winter has been a doozy. Feels like we’ve already been through February.
Looks like LV ..BUMMER
I’ve been observing the trails for years and have many pictures of them in my area, usually before a big weather event like bad thunderstorms, hurricanes/tropical systems, extreme cold, etc. It never fails when I hear of a weather event coming to my area (NE of Mobile, AL & NW of Pensacola, FL), I will start watching the skies. There will ALWAYS be trails. They also spray at night. I was working in my garden late one evening right at sunset and happened to look up and the sky was covered with trails & there were planes still flying & dispersing. When it was dark, I was watching my security camera’s (I have 8 at different locations on my homestead) and I was seeing white particles slowly floating around. I went outside and saw nothing. I know that rain shows up on my infrared night vision cameras as white streaks, fog shows up as swirling white particles and fall rather than “FLOAT”. So what they were dispersing was finally hitting ground level.
The things I’m seeing and reading about the last few months is not good as far as what they are dispersing. One of the big topic’s is about GRAPHENE and will be used with controlling peoples thoughts, actions, minds as well as using PEOPLE as some kind of radio/tower transmissions. People are finding it on beaches (it is a black substance) and they can actually move it with magnets. I also read they are putting it secretly in our food, water & medications, supplements, etc. We are being hit with so many different anomalies to either dispatch us, use us for their TRANSMISSIONS of whatever they are planning or to make us very sick. Who knows the evil these people are actually planning for us and have been for YEARS. I do know that HAARP uses MAGNETISM to control weather events so GRAPHENE is needed to be dispersed in the atmosphere for them to create these massive storms to destroy crops & to displace people…maybe for their 15 min cities being planned or their soon coming prison centers for those that do not comply with their AGENDA!
I’m attaching some of the trails I’ve caught. If they aren’t allowed on this site or post, let me know and I will delete them. The 1st 4 are two days before the Christmas Freeze. Impressive, eh?? I knew we were in for some horrible event, much worse than we had seen in the past.
PEOPLE IT IS REAL, THEY ARE REAL and they are being used for nefarious reasons and are NOT CONTRAILS (Vapor from jets). I also caught some eerie looking clouds on night vision pic’s I’m attaching, too.-
Crazy is it not, so many all over the sky. And you can see the weather changes for days, do not even listen or look at the weather forecast anymore. Just look at the weather outside and what nature tells me. We are in a micro climate, you can see it going around us and behind us getting wurse.
This week I seen a sunrise so strange, the sky red all round not just where the sun was coming up but also were she sets and it was still dark.
Who PAYS for all these chemicals and aviation fuel and pilots flying without a conscience as to what they are spreading in the skies? We can’t feed our own people, but this is going on? What in the world, as Danny would say.
You got some great photos of the dirty sky’s. I stand with and agree with your statements! Great minds think alike, and eyes to see.
Watch and listen to The Dimming, by Dane Wiggington. I don’t have the website handy. Message me if you can’t find it.
Wonder why the people doing this are not affected by supply chain shortages. 🤔
Amplifying maybe…
We’ve had very few days of sun shine this entire month I wrote it down we may have 5 or 6 not with my notebook at the moment. Our skies are always streaked, well thats not even the word for it because they are solid gray. We’ve had rain like crazy I’ve got an experiment going…set a 5 gallon bucket out Jan 1 and its 3/4 full of RAIN we’ve had 5 days of 60-62° 4 days of mid to high 50’s and the rest has been between the teens and 40’s. January and february is our coldest usually in the teens as the highs and most snow months…well use to be. Today was our second day of snow and it as just a dusting. We’ve moved more into the south weather, not complaining because God is in control but allergens and bugs are going to be attrocious because they are not being controlled with the cold.
🤭 All entertainment until you prove otherwise. Stop taking and start proving.
Oregon skies are usually clear of streaks when we have high solar activity.
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