Cheap Egg Cartons
Tagged: Egg cartons, eggs, Homesteading
Cheap Egg Cartons
Posted by Justin_the_Lyman_Gardener on January 19, 2023 at 1:30 amEgg cartons are up there in price. Where is the best/ cheapest place to get your egg cartons?
Jen-in-Ok replied 1 year, 11 months ago 18 Members · 28 Replies -
28 Replies
Do you go to church? do other people that go there buy eggs?
I do get some from church members but they mostly bring 18 count egg cartons. I really don’t like packaging up 18 eggs in one carton.
I would love to find someone who has eggs. It’s hard where I live. In a suburb with limits on number of chicken, or they say pets, you can have. Is it worth 30 mile drive each way to get them
What do they do drive by and count your chickens lol. I wouldn’t doubt it though.
Well you know just a complaint and someone will show up. We have grass idiots who will actually measure the height of a single blade and file a complaint usually after they get a citation for their own property.
Some people have nothing better to do
What is that like a HOA or city/county ordinance. Sounds like your already living in a socialist enviroment.
No HOA.. city rules. It’s a nice place before they allow all the apartment things in the area. Rabbit hutches
The case price is by far the cheapest at this link! Thank you so much for sharing!
I’ve never ordered any from them. If you do. let us know how it goes.
Depending on how many you need … I get mine ,and also milk jugs ( for seedlings ) at our local recycling center .
I just checked the webstaraunt link posted above and it was by far the cheapest. If you buy the case of 240 cartons its only $0.20 a carton.
I get mine from the local Mennonite community feed store. You have to buy a stack of them but that way they only cost around 15 to 20 cents each. I always ask for cartons back but only a few people will return them. I have considered charging 50 cents more for a dozen eggs from people who never return their cartons.
That’s what I do! It’s amazing how they no longer “forget” them.
I was shocked to find 12-egg plastic egg containers at Dollar Tree. I got a couple because my niece shares eggs with me and the “free” cartons she was using deteriorate pretty quickly. :-). They are over a dollar but if you don’t need a lot it might be worth checking at your local store or their website.
Thanks for the heads up. I live in Indiana. I will check to see if I can purchase them here.
I don’t sell eggs- so this is probably irrelevant, but I just put mine in (plastic…)coffee cans these days. they are washable, durable, easy to pick up and hold a bit over 2 dz. they are easy to arrange so you are adding to todays, and using a cople days ago first.
eggs don’t have to be in a carton.
My problem is family and others not returning the cartons.
Thats why I dont give wine away anymore – all I asked was that I wanted the bottles back – gave up dumpster diving & recyclers dont take glass anymore
Are you selling them your eggs? I always charge an extra $.50 per carton if they don’t bring them back each time.
When it comes to glass, artists and people wanting to make countertops and such will pay for colored glass even broken.
Glad to see not being the only one thinking this way.
I’ve found that if I give a friend eggs they will gift me more cartons than I can use, hoping to get more eggs.
I have random people bringing egg cartons in to work and leaving them in the community “dead drop” area of a windowsill in a break room. I do the same with eggs, but I think I am going to start putting names on them. Value has increased so much, I am getting crazy requests, and with only 6 hens, my production is limited. I have a few doofuses that break their eggs occasionally. Three this week😫 My quail are getting to production age, so I may see if I can sway ppl into trying them.
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