How Do YOU Stay SANE?
Tagged: sanity
How Do YOU Stay SANE?
Unsweetened-Iced-Tea replied 1 year, 4 months ago 51 Members · 72 Replies
Congratulations on being a community leader!
I am now retired from a stressful job of 34 years. I can finally do what I have always wanted to do! Crochet, cross stitch, knitting, quilting, sewing, cooking, gardening, reading, make jewelry, travel a bit, watch movies til 2am. I can do what I want, when I want. This freedom has given me a peace and calmness that I’ve wanted for years, and I am so fortunate to now have that ability to do just that. I also have more time to spend with my daughters and their families, grandkids are the best! I go to retreats for cross stitch and jewelry making and have a tribe of women whom I have known for many years. My life is exactly what I dreamed of in my youth! Family, friends, activities that I love and folks to share those with.
Being in the word! I dont know how anyone can stay sane without it. Also, keeping the TV OFF and trying not to listen to too much negativity. One more thing, I practice Shabbat. Its so refreshing and lovely. Every Friday night I find myself looking up and just whispering “Thank you!”
We practice Shabbat also. Sabbath has never felt so restful. Friday has become a very important day preparing for Shabbat.
We are also a family that honors the Sabbath and all Yah’s Appointed times. (Louisiana)
Live by the Bible, pray and keep on going. Prepare and getting our home in order, enjoy little but special thinks like coffee and tea. Our son, family life, chickens, garden, cooking and so on.
As long as I personally can enjoy the sun coming coming up and sunsets, nature and stay true. I am doing ok and feel blessed and thank god each time.
Play the game but stay true, it is a dirty game but we need to stay sane.
I definitely don’t get it all done. I have a running To-Do list. When I am feeling overwhelmed, I am reenergized by spending time alone, reading my Bible, praying, and going on walks. I am also one of those crazy people who finds it calming to do laundry and organize my closets. 🙃
I LOVE the running “to do list”. My husband thinks I am trying to get all of it done TODAY. Nope. 🤣 It keeps me focused on “do the next right thing in front of you”.
I love the gardens. You tickle the earth and she laughs with plants. I love the chickens. The rabbit with an anger problem and the very skittish quail…well…they have their functions. I was hoping for calmer quail and a cuddly bunny. We have miles to go. Sanity is SO provided by hearing other people walking the same path. It is a solace from the Joe Rogan world. I don’t have my TV hooked up to anything besides a DVD player, and a movie also rarely happens. I love my 5 acres and pond. It was an answered prayer from God. The dog and I lose ourselves regularly in the beauty.
What a lovely discussion! I exercise, read a little bit of Bible everyday and unplug once a week. On Sunday I am not online. I’m not reading the news. I’m reading God’s Word, working around the house and garden and maybe catching up on some reading I’ve been meaning to do. It really helps my sanity.
Our family also keep Shabat. Although, our family does not use the Gregorian calendar so for us we celebrate on Tuesday. We rest, pray, take nap , read/study the word, and worship. It is nice to allow myself to take a nap when our two year old takes his daily nap. Usually I am busy trying to get as done as I can when he naps. I listen to Derek Prince Ministries and Davis Ministry for Shabat and during the week. Every morning is started with prayer and every night. I read Yah’s word every day. The morning before my Son and Husband wake up is the best but not always doable with my Son. I always find time. I really love my Cepher bibile, it includes Enoch, Jasher and Baruk 1 and 2, along with a few other books excluded my most bibles. I eat a high fat carnivore diet and do strength/HIIT training so that really helps my mental. Keeping my house relatively clean and clutter free helps a lot too, although I have to work at being a good house keeper. Reading to my Son helps me wind down at night, and getting off all devices at least a couple hours before bed. Although, at times I don’t! I also just like hanging out with our livestock and chickens. Something about watching the chickens scratch around always calms me. I have a small garden that is usually a bit neglected, but it is always nice to get out and check on our plants. Morning chores feel like a privilege to me. Keeping my friend circle small has always served me well. I enjoy interacting with people, but I definitely stay away from any toxic personalities. If anything is ever bothering me I always go to ABBA Yahuah for prayer and ask for help through The Set Apart Spirit. It is amazing the events that unfold. If there is an issue completely out my control like world events I say Thank You YAH for these labor pains, your son Yahusha Ha’ Mashiach will be back soon!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by MannaValleyFarmandRanch.
When I start to feel overwhelmed, I head out to my garden. I ground myself by walking around and pulling weeds, plucking some destructive bugs off the plants and into soapy water, harvest a few things while mentally resetting my priorities. I have found myself doing this for most of my adult life. I would tell the kids that I was putting myself into “time out”. They learned to give me that time, lest, and I quote ” my head would start spinning around” per my daughter. 😂 They still tease me about that.
First, who defined “normal” and how do we know he/she was “normal”? Second of all, you do what you can do. Third of all, have fun doing what you do. If you aren’t having fun, in your life, then change it. Only YOU have that power. (With God’s help) Blessings!
#1 Give it to God. Seriously, he has never failed me!
#2 I like to veg out on youtube videos (which is how I ended up here).
#3 I also remember that worrying about trying to get things done, impressing others, or being hard on myself is all pointless. Take one day at a time because we are not promised tomorrow and the only person we need to impress is God. Keeping that in mind takes the stress out of anything.
#4 Get out and get some fresh air. Just walk around and enjoy nature. It’s the little things that make me happy!
Sanity.. whew.. how to just make it every day. The world is crazy right now, no one can say different, yet so many just ‘ignore’ whats going on. It drives me cazy.
how to live a life while prepping for an unknown crazy future…
you tell me?
I am a mother of 10 and suburban homesteaders who knows that you cannot ‘get it all done’.
In the mornings I think of all the things that I would like to get done then I pick 5 of the most important.
I send a prayer up knowing that I will get done all that He wishes for me to get done and I’ll get it done ONLY by the grace of God!
I am a list person. When I accomplish something, I mark it off with red. I homeschool four children, homestead, and do bookkeeping and payroll from my home. Getting up early and staying up late is my key to getting a lot completed in a day. My children are a huge help with indoor and outdoor chores. When they were smaller, I could not get everything completed. I was trying to build my business and time was in short supply. Their education became my top priority and we learned how to let other things go. As long as we prayed, had school completed, the animals were feed and watered with fresh bedding and the children were feed and warm it was a GOOD day!! Prayer is my saving grace and reading my Bible keeps me sane with all the worlds craziness. If we don’t get something completed today, it will be there tomorrow or next week, or next month.
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