Reply To: False prophet.

  • potpourri_of_life

    November 8, 2023 at 8:34 pm

    Yes, be on guard of false prophets.

    I previously listened a few times to her a few months back, yet I stopped because for me, there was something missing. There was no transparency. God is working in each of us, yet we are all called to be discerning, while always being alert to false prophets. We are called to be on-guard of what the evil one is doing.

    I have chosen not to watch her, yet I have been very cautious in watching those who mock others.

    We are called to be discerning and cautious, because the false prophets have the potential to lead good Christians to their demise. This is why many will not recognize the antichrist, as there will be peace for a time, where they will be off-guard from following our Lord in truth.