questions seeking answers to clear confusion

  • questions seeking answers to clear confusion

    Posted by gods-child on February 10, 2023 at 10:17 am

    in the seventeenth chapter of Luke it is written that god is in man not one man but in all men, does that mean we are all collectively god and are linked with the one true source with our true almighty mother father ..??

    1. who said there shall be no other god but me…??
    2. who are the blood sacrifices and rituals truly for…??
    3. what true righteous all loving creator/parent will allow another to do anything bar kill their child[ren], just to test a faith…??
    4. what true righteous entity gives free-will then says feel my wrath…??
    5. does free-will come with caveats…??
    6. if free-will comes with caveats what are those caveats…??

    lots of questions for lots of confusion within the bible that has been infiltrated by man and evil entities

    1. what does the cross truly represent…??
    2. what is the shape and foundation of the cross…??
    3. fold up a cross and what does it become…??
    4. when you draw from top of handle of the cross at the angle to the winged part then from the wing part to the tip of the cross and repeat on the other side, what does a cross become…??
    5. why has the pointed sword been made in the shape of a cross…??
    6. why is that we get cross at someone or thing that is being naughty…??
    7. why is it we cross a road street and-such…??
    8. why is it that many worship [war-ship] a cross of Jesus when the cross is of evil entities and not of Jesus as Jesus did not invent the cross…??
    9. if there be only one true god then why are there many many gods reported through history…??
    10. what are the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho…??
    11. why are all bibles copyrighted when gods word was long before mans copyrights…??
    12. why are there many different versions of the bible…??
    13. why are there many different faiths and religions…??
    14. where does all the different faiths and religions stem from…??
    15. can you name a religion that has not caused harm loss or injury or been deceptive in any way shape or form…??
    16. why are all religions full of cult like mentality…??
    17. what is gospel [go-spell] music…??

    just a sample of many many questions that i have concerning the infiltrated many different versions of the bible

    is it not true that god is in us all thus the church is also in us all and we do not need a physical building whereby blood sacrifices are rife by drinking the blood of christ,

    1. who or what is truly christ…??
    2. who or what is satan-claws…??
    3. who or what is Yaldabaoth…??
    4. what does T-minus mean with [NASA]…??
    5. what does kneel and clasp hands and bow heads to the cross truly mean…??
    6. why does coca-cola have the design of the image of santa that we see in red-costume…??
    7. why does coco-cola have the santa-truck…??
    8. what is the true meaning of holiday such as easter halloween christmas and-such…??
    9. why is there many missing books of the bible…??
    10. who removed those missing books and why did they remove them…??
    11. who or what is the chalice…??
    12. why is it Job and job spelt the same pronounced differently yet very similar in nature to each other…??
    13. who or what is the lion and serpent the bible speaks of that gives us power to tread on…??

    thank you to all who can truly answer these questions in part or in whole without judgement of any kind


    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  gods-child.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  gods-child.
    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by  gods-child.
    Gdf8312 replied 1 year, 7 months ago 11 Members · 105 Replies
  • 105 Replies
  • PackersRboss

    February 10, 2023 at 11:03 pm

    Either you are mentally-ill or “Special”. Your post doesn’t make sense. Find a better place.

    • gods-child

      February 11, 2023 at 12:54 am

      i see that you do not know the meaning “without judgement of any kind” or have failed to read my post whereby i clearly stated “thank you to all who can truly answer these questions in part or in whole without judgement of any kind” verbatim

      quote “Find a better place.” verbatim

      where else to seek answers about the bible other than a or the Church…??

      come on you are better than this

      external actions prove internal intent

  • Hebrews12v2

    February 11, 2023 at 12:19 am

    I am not sure why you use “gods-child” as a handle. You don’t seem to have the Holy Spirit at work in your life, judging the “fruit” you have exhibited in this post.

    The questions you are rambling about are all secular based and not a leading of the Holy Spirit. They actually seem to be of the evil one, who is the author of confusion, which your post (fruit) shows a lot of.

    If you are honestly seeking, Open up a Bible to the Book of John and start there. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open your heart and eyes to what God wants to reveal to you.

    I pray you do that, and seek Truth questions, and not Satan’s confusion.

    • gods-child

      February 11, 2023 at 12:50 am

      odd choice of words “handle” and “fruit” to which add ambiguity to your post

      for clarity i take both words to mean

      handle (v.)

      Middle English hondlen, handlen, “touch with the hands, hold in the hands, fondle, pet,” also “to deal with, treat, manhandle,” from Old English handlian “to touch or move with the hands,” also “deal with, discuss;” formed from hand (n.), perhaps with a frequentative suffix, as fondle from fond. Cognate with Old Norse höndla “to seize, capture,” Danish handle “to trade, deal,” Old High German hantalon “feel, touch; manage,” German handeln “to bargain, trade.” Related: Handled; handling. Meaning “to act towards” (someone, in a certain manner, usually with hostility or roughness) is from c. 1200. The commercial sense “to trade or deal in” was weaker in English than in some other Germanic languages, but it strengthened in American English (by 1888) from the notion of something passing through one’s hands, and see handler.

      fruit (n.)

      late 12c., “any vegetable product useful to humans or animals,” from Old French fruit “fruit, fruit eaten as dessert; harvest; virtuous action” (12c.), from Latin fructus “an enjoyment, delight, satisfaction; proceeds, produce, fruit, crops,” from frug-, stem of frui “to use, enjoy,” from suffixed form of PIE root *bhrug- “to enjoy,” with derivatives referring to agricultural products. The Latin word also is the source of Spanish fruto, Italian frutto, German Frucht, Swedish frukt-.

      Originally in English meaning all products of the soil (vegetables, nuts, grain, acorns); modern narrower sense is from early 13c. Also “income from agricultural produce, revenue or profits from the soil” (mid-14c.), hence, “profit,” the classical sense preserved in fruits of (one’s) labor.

      Meaning “offspring, progeny, child” is from mid-13c.; that of “any consequence, outcome, or result” is from late 14c. Meaning “odd person, eccentric” is from 1910; that of “male homosexual” is from 1935, underworld slang. The term also is noted in 1931 as tramp slang for “a girl or woman willing to oblige,” probably from the fact of being “easy picking.” Fruit salad is attested from 1861; fruit-cocktail from 1900; fruit-bat by 1869.

      please clarify what the same two words mean in the context of your post to clear up the ambiguity

      • JesusIsOurSaviour

        February 12, 2023 at 4:00 pm

        You just want to be right and debate. Stop. Cease. Deny yourself, pick up YOUR cross and FOLLOW HIM!!!! ✝️❤️✝️❤️🕊❤️✝️🕊🕊✝️🙌🏼🙌🏼

    • JesusIsOurSaviour

      February 12, 2023 at 3:56 pm

      Amen amen alleluia amen contend and defend the Faith brothers and sisters. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by HIM! (Yeshua) ❤️❤️❤️🌅🙌🏼🙌🏾 (JOHN 14:6)

  • msgal

    February 11, 2023 at 12:37 am

    I would say the bible answers all those questions, but If you don’t have faith in what the bible says then I can only pray that Gods will be done in your life. ✌️

    • gods-child

      February 11, 2023 at 12:59 am

      surly a or the Church is a place to go to get answers one seeks about the bible…??

      or are the members of a or the Church have no comprehension of the bible to give the answers one seeks…??

    • JesusIsOurSaviour

      February 12, 2023 at 1:50 pm

      Amen! Msgal 🌻👑

  • KimC

    February 11, 2023 at 1:20 am

    in the seventeenth chapter of Luke it is written that god is in man not one man but in all men, does that mean we are all collectively god and are linked with the one true source with our true almighty mother father ..??

    I am going to accept your post as an honest search for Truth. That being the case . . . If you do not believe God’s Word is from Him, the ONLY God, Creator of all, then there would be no point in you reading further because all responses from me (and most of the people here on FS) will be based from a Judeo-Christian worldview, referencing Scripture, wherein the Bible is THE authority and written Word of God.

    If Luke 17:21 is what you’re referring to, Jesus was talking to His disciples, those who believed in Him and received Him as the Son of God, the Creator of the universe. Humans are part of God’s creation, not God, and we are linked TO Him when we acknowledge He is God, received His gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, believing that He (Jesus) is fully God and fully human, accepting His sacrifice for our sins, receiving Him as our Savior, and making Him Lord of our lives; then submitting to Him/His Ways (turning from our previous sins/ways and following only Him). So, no, we are not collectively God, or even (little-g) god(s). Nowhere in the Bible, which is the inerrant, infallible Word of God does it refer to God as “mother.”

    1. who said there shall be no other god but me…??

    God (Ex. 20:3).

    1. who are the blood sacrifices and rituals truly for…??

    The blood sacrifices in the Old Testament were for atonement to cover the people’s sins from year to year because Jesus had not yet come to die for the sins of the world, thus satisfying once and for all the need to atone for sin (with a blood sacrifice). (Ref Exodus, Leviticus)

    1. what true righteous all loving creator/parent will allow another to do anything bar kill their child[ren], just to test a faith…??

    God, the only righteous Judge gave free will to His creation. Killing children was a pagan practice in ancient days to sacrifice to their (small-g) gods (who were fallen entities who rebelled against God and set themselves up as (little-g) gods). As free-will beings, God allows His creation to make all kinds of mistakes. When we follow Him and learn His ways, which are higher/better than our own, and submit ourselves to Him, we will not want to harm anyone, let alone our own offspring or anyone else’s.

    1. what true righteous entity gives free-will then says feel my wrath…??

    God, as the righteous Judge, who allows us to freely choose who to follow/serve and who to worship has told us in His Word that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23), and that those who rebel against Him and choose not to follow His ways will have consequences of that rebellion, or life. It is our choice. (John 3:16)

    1. does free-will come with caveats…??

    The 10 Commandments were given by God to guide mankind and set boundaries. We choose to, or not to, follow His ways. Deut. 28 lists the blessings of obedience and consequences of disobedience.

    1. if free-will comes with caveats what are those caveats…??

    lots of questions for lots of confusion within the bible that has been infiltrated by man and evil entities

    Read Deut. 28.

    1. what does the cross truly represent…??

    The cross was a Roman implement of suffering, pain and death. What it represents in modern time varies by culture and person. It perhaps did not even look quite like the crosses represented today. It is Jesus’ sacrifice through His death that should be focused on and what THAT represents, not an implement used by the Romans to execute people.

    1. what is the shape and foundation of the cross…??

    This is not the point. See above.

    1. fold up a cross and what does it become…??

    This is not the point. See above..

    1. when you draw from top of handle of the cross at the angle to the winged part then from the wing part to the tip of the cross and repeat on the other side, what does a cross become…??

    This is not the point. See above.

    1. why has the pointed sword been made in the shape of a cross…??

    This is not the point. See above.

    1. why is that we get cross at someone or thing that is being naughty…??

    Irrelevant. Modern-day English vernacular. This is not the point.

    1. why is it we cross a road street and-such…??

    Irrelevant. Modern-day English vernacular.

    1. why is it that many worship [war-ship] a cross of Jesus when the cross is of evil entities and not of Jesus as Jesus did not invent the cross…??

    Ask those who worship crosses. I worship Jesus.

    1. if there be only one true god then why are there many many gods reported through history…??

    The (little-g) gods of history are fallen entities (commonly referred to as fallen angels by most) who rebelled against God and allowed/even encouraged humankind to worship them as gods (little-g).

    1. what are the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho…??

    Israelites blew rams’ horns (shofars) for specific ceremonies and at God’s instruction. It was the power of God that brought the walls down, not the horns (trumpets).

    1. why are all bibles copyrighted when gods word was long before mans copyrights…??

    God’s Word was originally written as manuscripts on parchment and the common materials of the day. Man copyrights written material that they have a financial interest in producing in order to protect legally so they can make money to continue producing it. That is man’s modern system, not God’s instruction.

    1. why are there many different versions of the bible…??

    Because there are multiple manuscripts discovered over time, and many humans created translations and versions that they wanted to reproduce in mass.

    1. why are there many different faiths and religions…??

    Because humans have free will, minds of their own, differences of opinion and ideas of what they believe, and the freedom to put those ideas and beliefs into practice in the way they see fit.

    1. where does all the different faiths and religions stem from…??

    Many come from the worship of pagan (little-g) gods/fallen entities throughout history, others are from differences of opinion among religious people and cultures around the globe.

    1. can you name a religion that has not caused harm loss or injury or been deceptive in any way shape or form…??

    Jesus’ teachings. He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life; and no one comes to The Father except by Him. (John 14:6)

    1. why are all religions full of cult like mentality…??

    Mankind is fallen, sinful, in rebellion to God and has the free will.

    1. what is gospel [go-spell] music…??

    A genre of traditional American Protestant music rooted in religious revivals of the past.

    just a sample of many many questions that i have concerning the infiltrated many different versions of the bible

    is it not true that god is in us all thus the church is also in us all and we do not need a physical building whereby blood sacrifices are rife by drinking the blood of christ,

    See above. God is not in ALL. The church is not in anyone. Beginning with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, those who are in Christ are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and no physical building is needed, although it can serve as a convenient place for Believers to gather to worship, study and fellowship. Blood sacrifices ceased after Christ became the sacrifice for our sins. Only those blood sacrifices and drinking blood that are demonic/occult/sinful remain today. There is no need for further blood sacrifice because of Jesus Christ. If you are offhandedly referring to the practice of Communion, study 1 & 2 Corinthians.

    1. who or what is truly christ…??

    Christ (capital C)—Jesus Christ—the only begotten Son of the Father, who is fully God and fully man, came to sacrifice Himself for our sins. Died, was buried, rose from the dead, and sits at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:19, Luke 22:69, Acts 2:33). There is NO other. Anyone claiming to be is antichrist.

    1. who or what is satan-claws…??

    Have never heard that term before. Perhaps an Internet search will answer your question.

    1. who or what is Yaldabaoth…??

    According to Wikipedia, this is Latin for an evil entity/deity in various Gnostic sects.

    1. what does T-minus mean with [NASA]…??

    I’m sure you can search the Internet for this.

    1. what does kneel and clasp hands and bow heads to the cross truly mean…??

    Ask someone who worships in that way. Perhaps a Catholic?

    1. why does coca-cola have the design of the image of santa that we see in red-costume…??

    No clue. Don’t care what Coke does or designs. It isn’t relevant to my Faith in God.

    1. why does coco-cola have the santa-truck…??

    Don’t care what Coke has. It isn’t relevant to my walk with God.

    1. what is the true meaning of holiday such as easter halloween christmas and-such…??

    I’m sure you can search the Internet for this.

    1. why is there many missing books of the bible…??

    There aren’t. All the books God intended to be Canonized are there. Some would argue that certain extra-biblical texts should have been included. Others disagree. (Rev 22:18–19)

    1. who removed those missing books and why did they remove them…??

    Determining the Canon was a process first done by Jewish rabbis/scholars and later by early Christian leaders/scholars. God inspired the writings of the Bible and those who compiled the books to create the Canon. You can search the Internet for more on this subject. (Rev 22:18–19)

    1. who or what is the chalice…??

    “The chalice?” Probably need to ask a Catholic.

    1. why is it Job and job spelt the same pronounced differently yet very similar in nature to each other…??

    English. Look up homophones, homographs and homonyms in Webster’s dictionary.

    1. who or what is the lion and serpent the bible speaks of that gives us power to tread on…??

    Jesus is referred to in Scripture as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He gave His followers the authority to tread (have authority over) on serpents (ungodly entities). (Luke 10:19)

    • gods-child

      February 12, 2023 at 7:28 am

      “I am going to accept your post as an honest search for Truth.”

      thank you as all i need to know is the truth as only the truth will set us free

      as for all that you could answer thank you

      i may have to re-read several times to try and comprehend the all though

      as for your phrases like “This is not the point. See above.” and “Irrelevant. Modern-day English vernacular. This is not the point.” and “Irrelevant. Modern-day English vernacular.2 and “No clue. Don’t care what Coke does or designs. It isn’t relevant to my Faith in God.” and “Don’t care what Coke has. It isn’t relevant to my walk with God.” and “English. Look up homophones, homographs and homonyms in Webster’s dictionary.”

      could you please elaborate further on these points for of further confusion

      “There aren’t. All the books God intended to be Canonized are there. Some would argue that certain extra-biblical texts should have been included. Others disagree. (Rev 22:18–19)”

      are you 100% sure that some books were not removed from the bible…??

      look into canon-law it is eye-watering to say the least

      again as for words of phrases like “The chalice?” Probably need to ask a Catholic.” “Ask someone who worships in that way. Perhaps a Catholic?”

      could you also please elaborate on these as well to avoid further confusion whereby

      the holy chalice also known in as the holy grail is mentioned in the bible at least twice then why do i need to go specifically to the catholic faith that has been called a criminal organisation as of around 2013 and now the [FBI] are after “Violent extremists’ allegedly interested in ‘radical-traditionalist Catholic’ ideology“…?? see and


  • Granny-Hatchet

    February 11, 2023 at 2:40 am

    I can’t answer all your questions. I’ll touch on a few.

    Why are there cult like action in religion? One simple three letter word MAN. And I mean human kind. Humans inherently screw up just about everything they touch. Especially religion. One guy thinks the other guy is doing it wrong, so he breaks off and takes some people and tells them to do it like he does. And then somebody else gets the idea that they’re right and he’s wrong. So they take folks and start their own church/denomination. That’s the funny thing about free will. It also sometimes leads to a sense of power. And what do humans do with power?

    They wield it like sword.

    Why would God allow someone to take a persons family just to test faith?

    I’ll give you my humble opinion of the answer.

    We have blind faith that our vehicle is going to get us to our destination, then home again each day. But what happens when that vehicle breaks down. Some people just throw up their hands and say “to heck with it” and go get a different vehicle. They’ve lost faith in that vehicle, so they just replace it. Others know that it wasn’t the vehicle. It was the part in the vehicle that broke and tried their faith. Get rid of that part, and that vehicle runs fine.

    God didn’t try Jobs faith. Satan did. God had so much faith in Job, that He knew Job couldn’t be broken. Think of that. ..and answer me this. Who’s faith was truly being tested? Jobs faith in God or God’s faith in man? But Job didn’t break. God didn’t break. Satan did.

    • gods-child

      February 12, 2023 at 7:43 am

      thank you kindly

      i really appreciate your no-nonsense answers which is refreshing to see and read

      “answer me this. Who’s faith was truly being tested? Jobs faith in God or God’s faith in man? But Job didn’t break. God didn’t break. Satan did.”

      looks like you already answered this ahead of time 😉😉


    • JesusIsOurSaviour

      February 12, 2023 at 11:22 am

      Love your answer. Well spoken. Amen. God bless you.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 11:13 am

    What is this nonsense? Theology and philosophy? Idolatry and mythology? None of this is condoned by God……. God is mad at the wicked every day just like he spoke into Life (His Word), he’s not happy with those who forgot their first love. Those who worship THE CREATOR (MUST) WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT IN TRUTH. LORD does NOT care about denominations. You can’t even spell denominations without DEMON. It’s backwards just like the enemy’s ways! The Old Serpent the Devil has been planning schemes since the very beginning, nothing but a snake, a rat and a loser, and there is no new thing under the sun. He infiltrates and tries to ascend above the clouds, but he is cut down for his pride and evil, all the day long! He is a defeated foe. JESUS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. (JOHN 14:6 KJV) PEOPLE DIED FOR THAT BIBLE!!!!!! WERE MARTYRED AND THE TRUE CHRISTIANS ARE PREPARED FOR BATTLE IN THE SOIRIT AND WE ARE READY FOR THE RAPTURE. Deny yourself pick up your cross and follow HIM! In fact, God says, all sorceresses, wizards, witchcraft, idolatrous, adulterous and the wicked will be rebuked and cast into Hell. God is not the author of confusion. There is only One Lord, One God, One Savior, One Creator, One Alpha, One Omega, One Beginning and One End. He IS. Jesus Christ. There are no other mediators except JESUS who was manifested in the flesh and lived and died a perfect life and sacrifice as an ensample for us TO LIVE!!!!!! God says “I suffer not a witch to live. There is no “mother god” there was Mary but she was a human and birthed Jesus, she admitted she was a sinner just like the rest of us, and not to be idolized in any way, (Come out of her my people and be not a partake of her sins.) GOD DID NOT give ANYONE the spirit of confusion, but of power and of love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy) The WORD IS GOD. YES WE NEED THE WORD YES WE NEED THE BLOOD YED WE NEED JESUS WITHOUT HIM WE ADE NOTHING!!!!! If it’s not in the Bible then it’s just opinion. God bless you in the name of the Most HIGH – YESHUA HAMASHIACH name above every name! THY GOD REIGNETH!!!!!!!

    • gods-child

      February 12, 2023 at 12:22 pm

      can you please clarify the meanings “Alpha” and “Omega” that you refer to

      as there is no mention prior to c1300 and c1400 respectively etymology speaking and from 1520.s in Revelation

      thus this causes more confusion

      alpha (n.)

      c. 1300, from Latin alpha, from Greek alpha, from Hebrew or Phoenician aleph (see aleph). The Greeks added -a because Greek words cannot end in most consonants.

      The sense of “beginning” of anything is from late 14c., and in this it is often paired with omega (the last letter in the Greek alphabet, representing “the end”). The sense of “first in a sequence” is from 1620s. In astronomy, the designation of the brightest star of each constellation (the use of Greek letters in star names began with Bayer’s atlas in 1603). Alpha male was in use by c. 1960 among scientists studying animals; applied to humans in society from c. 1992.

      omega (n.)

      final letter of the Greek alphabet, c. 1400, from Medieval Greek omega, from classical Greek o mega “big ‘o’ ” (in contrast to o micron “little ‘o’ “); so called because the vowel was long in ancient Greek. From o + megas “great, large, vast, big, high, tall; mighty, important” (from PIE root *meg- “great”). Used figuratively for “the last, the final” of anything (as in Revelation i.8) from 1520s.

      • JesusIsOurSaviour

        February 12, 2023 at 1:49 pm

        Please don’t call yourself God’s child until you become one.

      • gods-child

        February 12, 2023 at 2:14 pm

        herein our true almighty creator father mother can see and read your reply or lack thereof

        may our true almighty creator give you the strength wisdom and courage to answer without judgement of any kind


      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 2:18 pm

        I must jump in (sorry for butting in), but once again … You are not to judge …. It is not for you to judge …. He can indeed call himself as he had. You haven’t the standing to call him out …. None of us have.

      • gods-child

        February 12, 2023 at 2:23 pm

        very true

        it is not for us to judge as it is only our true almighty creator father mother who can judge come judgement day

        to which i mentioned about judgement of any kind in my opening post and subsequent post within this thread

      • JesusIsOurSaviour

        February 17, 2023 at 12:25 am

        Judgement is For The Lord 🩸❤️

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 1:10 pm

    I’m not a bible “thumper,” and feel I do not need to hang my hat on man’s words written well past the death of Jesus.

    I think some people seek concrete answers, meaning and understanding of the written words as if it is a hand-made map to the buried gold some pirate lost. I believe there are some who feel as if reading and understanding every word in the Bible they’ll be given a pass to the gates of heaven. Worse, they read, think they know and proceed to jam it down the throats of others as if they are the self chosen one to do the work the Bible has already done.

    My opinion is that its best not to out smart the Bible and take its words at face value. To attempt to be the smart one and interpret the Bible as if you wrote it is foolish at best. The one good thing about attempting to outwit the process of never ending meaning within the Bible is that it gets people talking about it. That is the only point to all of its meanings.

    It is my opinion reading and attempting to decipher the Bible is a fools errand, and there is no greater fool than the man standing before you preaching as if he had first hand knowledge. The gathering of the people over the story is the only real meaningful message.

    You get no pass for doing your homework in attempting to read between the lines for the true meaning that you can not read. Just consuming the words however they come to mean something to you is the true purpose. To preach exactly the meaning in which you or no one could not truly know is to think you are a God. Would that be trickery and you the devil’s fool?

    I will only attempt to respond to the very first paragraph or question you wrote as I too play the fool: in my opinion we are not all God. We all have the ability to accept God. That is how we “have” God in us. Meaning; to have God in us simply means to believe. To believe simply means …. To have faith. Can faith be blind and you stil, have it … Yes! It’s like being ignorant; as a young man would, to think attending college, earning a degree is a golden ticket to a good career ….hence, good life. Is it really?. If so, how is it that the people that are seemingly doing the best in our capitalist society / political society are the most corrupt? You know the answers. Stop! And accept what you know to be true.

    Blind faith = having difficulty believing what you can not see. You read or hear the truth but you have difficulty believing what it means. Therefore, you see not how to apply it to your existence. You think mechanically and in concrete ways … “I must know to the exact meaning or answers I order to build my rock solid foundation onto which I build my house of messing and purpose …. That is bullshit! Just hang your hat … you need not the hook.

    In contrast, if you do not have blind faith you seek reason or justification to go against what you don’t understand. Ironically, you trust in not believing in blind faith with out the proof. In other words, be it that you seek answers to believe or not believe neither one has the proof to settle your hunger for what to believe. Yet you will accept one or the other as blind faith but not both. Is there a hook onto which to hang my hat or not? I must see it first before removing my hat says the lost man.

    Hang your hat on No hook! Just go ahead and hang your hat knowing it somehow will hang there for you.

    P.S. these are my words and my thoughts and they are not yours onto which to hang your hat.

    I am just a man and I know I am ignorant. Be free to tell me I am wrong.

    • JesusIsOurSaviour

      February 12, 2023 at 1:20 pm

      All I gotta say is: The Lord rebuke thee! I hope God knows you. I really do. Because if he did, you wouldn’t be so confused. This is a bunch of babel, and honestly, I don’t have time to read it. If you have that amount of time to type and ponder, the. You have that amount of time to pray and repent. The Bible is the truth, written and ordained, anointed by Godly men that lived and breathed next to Jesus. I don’t want opinions give me chapter and verse.

      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 1:35 pm

        You don’t seek chapter or verse. It is already there for you to read for yourself. You express failure to understand it or worse you use your questions posed to anyone wishing to respond to them as a way to seek attention and/or control …. You seek to draw in people like a spider and it’s web. If you haven’t the time to respond to a long response to your very long list of wrongfully used imposed questions, then don’t offer them. Your words in response to my words in which you haven’t read and yet form an all knowing opinion speak volumes of your false self righteousness. Take a look into the looking glass. You are playing God. It is not for you to judge or condemn. You’re but a foolish clown seeking attention and not agreement or understanding. You place your self-righteous all knowing self into a glass house and then you cast stones.

      • JesusIsOurSaviour

        February 12, 2023 at 5:41 pm

        Blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake. This is nothing compared to what the disciples went through. Pfffft. Stahp. Move on. Pray about your day, pray about your anger. Take care of yourself please. Only God can reveal to you the things which can not be uttered by man.

    • JesusIsOurSaviour

      February 12, 2023 at 1:32 pm

      Yes you are just a man and your opinions are not to be compared to the glory of God. Not sorry. Nobody is righteous, not one. But when we have the spirit of the living God inside us, then we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, sanctified and set apart. God wants faith from you, not ignorant opinions. There is one truth and it’s not subjective. Proverbs 29:11 “The fool uttereth all his mind…” ……..

      I’ll be “a Bible thumper” 😂😂 as if that’s offensive? NO THAT’S AWESOME AND SHOULD BE SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS JUST LIKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY READS!!!!!!!! ALLLL all day long because a few years ago I didn’t even know scriptures or know GOD but HE SAVED ME FROM HELL SO IS WHAT YOUR’EE SAYING BRINGING PEACE, TRUTH, LOVE OR CONVICTION? NO. It’s not. It’s not truth and it’s not sound minded. BECAUSE HELL IS DARK AND HOT AND UNIMAGINABLE, TURN DOWN YOUR PRIDE! YOU DON’T WANT TO BE DAMNED FOR ETERNITY! NOBODY DOES! That’s what kicked Lucifer out of Heaven…. Pride and contention come before a fall. Lord bless you, and May he show up in a way that you CANNOT deny him ever again.

      AMEN. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 1:39 pm

        Again, you play God.

    • JesusIsOurSaviour

      February 12, 2023 at 1:34 pm

      I rebuke all this wickedness that the enemy tried to sow among people. I rebuke it all in Jesus name! Lord cleanse this space. I ask that you create change in these people Lord. Amen.

      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 1:40 pm

        It is not for you to judge.

      • JesusIsOurSaviour

        February 12, 2023 at 1:48 pm

        Not judging anyone, literally that’s what the Bible says.

      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 2:24 pm

        It seems you maybe now seeking to play a game of who knows the “words” best. It is not a game to be playing.

      • JesusIsOurSaviour

        February 12, 2023 at 1:48 pm

        It’s not about feelings. Ever.

      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 2:26 pm

        Did I express that?

  • Squeeze

    February 12, 2023 at 1:28 pm

    Here is a question I have been mulling on for a while. Tradition has pretty much every oathtaker place a hand on the bible to swear. In a time when so many reject Christianity, they freely swear, then lie under oath, or go against promises made. What object could hold the same moral compass weight for a non Christian to adhere to?

    ( I was raised Christian, and always held belief, but wavered for a while. I have been pulled back. But as a sidenote I worship mostly on my own, as my experiences with too many organised churches have left me…. less than satisfied)

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    First, are you and I about to share thoughts or are you about to become the “call in the Calvary” for the person I originally responded to? If the later, I won’t be entering into an out numbered / impossible to respond to the numbers situation.

    Secondly, What exactly do you and I agree on?

    As for the swearing on the Bible …. True it is used often for such reason, but who made it the needed golden seal of approval? It can be done with out the actual book. One must ask if by presenting the “book” one is forcing compliance? If compliance is being the “thing” or the condition implied for the end result one wants from and out of … whatever …. How is it not a set up from the get go? How is it not blasphemy? That is to say; to insist on a man ( for example ) placing his hand on the bible and swear on it as almost a condition to serve as president or to serve as a soldier is to assume he knows not his faith in God and has no real faith. Does one need to be made to swear an oath via the ritual of hand on bible. I would think the oath had been there all along and is between that man and God, and not man and man as if a condition to getting the job. What if someone (soon to become president) said I will swear an oath but I will not swear an oath over the Bible because; as a believer, I see it as blasphemy? Will the job be lost? Is it wrong to see that the Bible and a man’s belief is between him and God and not a condition to the job or worse proof to others that he is a believer! Is the Bible and a man’s belief being held over his had as a job condition … if so …. It is wrong!

    If you are attempting to lead me down a rabbit-hole with a hidden lesson …. Stop right now and do not continue. Thank you.

    • gods-child

      February 12, 2023 at 2:16 pm

      for avoidance of doubt

      i assure you there be no cavalry on my side

      for those that reply to this thread, they reply for themselves and not for me

      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 2:21 pm

        You do know this is in response to the one calling themself “Mr.Sunshine?”

      • gods-child

        February 12, 2023 at 2:54 pm

        “You do know this is in response to the one calling themself “Mr.Sunshine?””

        on the contrary

        did you mean @MrSunShine without the full-stop or period in their chosen name

        if you did then yes i am well aware yet as you @Woodsman did not mention by name anyone else in their post about calling the calvary and as i was replying to other posts at the same time as you then it be apt i set the record straight


      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 3:23 pm

        Yes that MrSunShine however it is exactly written. You know who I mean. Being that I don’t claim to be all knowing of computers or this platform let alone God, I do my best when my tablet screen won’t allow me to see the comment to which I respond to as I write / type …. So I am shooting from the hip of my memory.

        Agree, multi tasking ( commenting to many at one time gets confusing ) weakens one’s ability to focus for long periods of time.

        I think I am almost caught up with comments and stirred up enough trouble …. I’ll be on my way now.

      • gods-child

        February 12, 2023 at 3:32 pm

        what trouble did you cause…??

        i see interesting debate in all fairness


    • gods-child

      February 12, 2023 at 2:59 pm

      do you know what “Calvary” means…??


      name of the mount of the Crucifixion, late 14c., from Latin calvaria “skull,” rendering Greek Kraniou topos, translating Aramaic gulgulta “place of the skull” (see Golgotha). Old English used Heafodpannan stow as a loan-translation. Latin Calvaria is related to calvus “bald” (see Calvin).

      you can thank me later


      • Woodsman

        February 12, 2023 at 3:13 pm

        I meant the word “ Calvary” not in the sense of the “hill,” but in the meaning of the military unit. Still thanks. I learn or am reminded all of the time and appreciate growth.

      • gods-child

        February 12, 2023 at 3:20 pm

        somehow i thought that “Cavalry” is what you meant 👍

        yet the ambiguity of miss-spelt words that become other non miss-spelt words rears their heads from time to time 😉

        same here always willing to learn and grow

    • JesusIsOurSaviour

      February 17, 2023 at 12:28 am

      I don’t want opinions give me chapter and verse please.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 2:45 pm

    we see that this thread is bringing into the light some very interesting conversation on this topic


    • Woodsman

      February 12, 2023 at 3:14 pm

      This is a good thing👍

      • gods-child

        February 12, 2023 at 3:15 pm

        for sure 👍

  • Squeeze

    February 12, 2023 at 3:22 pm

    I had no agenda or affiliation in my question. It basically stems mostly from recent events where too many swear an oath, only to quickly go against it. Mostly for swearing into office or for court testimony purpose. Since so many are non Christian, or of certain faiths that do not follow the bible teachings. What object could be used to hold a similar compulsion for them?

    • Woodsman

      February 12, 2023 at 3:25 pm


  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 3:51 pm

    I end this long ( too long spent on-line ) with this…. If you ( those that countered my words ) truly believe in your own words …. You needed not run from the good fight. I thank those that stayed it the conversation in which we shared, be it right or wrong or fight or not. For those seeking concrete answers ….do not hang your decision hat on just one person’s enlightenment.

    Have an awesome day or night where ever you are.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    Peace be with you. 😇

    • Woodsman

      February 12, 2023 at 5:24 pm

      There you go again acting all knowing. Take this and use it well: Those that speak do not know, and those that know do not speak. Now move along. Your are set in your ways be they right or wrong.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:26 pm

    That, is true. I know this. I pray for more to wake up. And I’m doing the work to make sure everyone I come in contact with knows that The LORD JESUS ALPHA AND OMEGA loves them, the blood is what cleanses us and God is not in a cracker. Amen.

    • Woodsman

      February 12, 2023 at 5:29 pm

      Good bye. You failed to respect my request. Have a gyrations day.

  • Gdf8312

    March 19, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Dear friends, the Word of God, the Bible, is straight forward. There is no confusion. Allow me to explain this:

    First: what bible are you reading? How do you know its the truest version from the original scripts? Answer: follow history. The oldest, truest possible version to the original scripts, is, The 1611 King James. Not the corrupted vatican version. There’s a big tree of diversion between eastern and western mainstream theology history around this.

    Second: DO NOT read 1verse alone and call it so or so. BIG mistake. The last verse in Revolutions tells us that, if words are removed, or added, so shall be the fates. Thus, the Word of God is COMPLETE, PERFECT. How can a perfect God create imperfection? Or something LESS? No. When you study the Bible IN ITS ENTIRETY, You will see everytime, everything backs and supports and confirms everything else.

    In summary: God is perfect. His Word is perfect. If you find yourself confused, puzzled, unsure, disheartened, to who does such words belong? You guessed it, the Father of Lies. And how does he do it? By: removing words,adding words, Refocussing on a pin, ignoring completion, thereby generating his goal. And that goal, is to keep humanity away from God. In short, get the best bible as close to original as possible, study it in its entirety, and pray.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Gdf8312.
  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 6:18 am

    First of all, I’m sorry for some of the hateful responses you’ve gotten here.”

    thank you kindly, i guess our true almighty creator father mother will decide what to do with their authors come judgement day

    “Secondly, I’ve heard a lot of these questions before and can assure you that there are reasonable, logical, and biblical answers for all of them. But it will be easier for me to answer your questions when I’m on a desktop and can c&p, as the app won’t let me in this app. Until then,”

    i am seeking true answers from those that know the truth and not from some biblical answer

    i take “c&p” to mean copy-and-paste answers from some-other-place-entity rather than from you own comprehension of the babel in the bible known in modern times as ambiguous language or in other words “spaketh in tongues”

    “I have questions for you for clarity sake:

    1). Are you atheist or agnostic or hold another philosophy or religion other than Christianity?”

    does the church judge by whether man is religious or not given that there are many religions and non religions and our true almighty-creator accepts all who come to them with non judgement of any-kind…??

    thereby whether or not someone is religious or not maketh no relevance here in church

    “2). Why do you use little g for “gods-child”?”

    this has no relevance to questions being or not being answered and is personal and non spiritual or pertinent to answers being sought from [The Church]

    “3). Do you genuinely want our answers, or are you posting here simple to try to dissuade Christians? The church is for Christs body and those who are truly seeking Him. The church IS the gathering of His body.”

    does the title of this thread in a forum called [The Church] not be crystal-clear of intent to clear-up-confusion and to use your words “for clarity sake”…??

    is the church not a place to seek answers to the ambiguous meaning of the word in the bible due to mans many translations which are al copyrighted by man and who are to say those translations are true or not true after-all we do know that satan is the greatest deceiver of all

    are you saying that our true almighty creator does not accept any-one that is non-christian…??


    that only christians are dissuaded by questions being sought to clear-up-confusion…??

    from all replies bar two thus far i would turn away from [The Church] never to look back towards [The Church]


    for avoidance of confusion i take “clarity” to mean

    clarity (n.)

    c. 1300, clarte, clerte “brightness, radiance; glory, splendor,”


  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 6:42 am

    You misunderstood/assumed incorrectly what I mean by c&p… i meant that I would c&p *your questions* to be able to answer clearly for formatting purposes.”

    then you clearly see the ambiguous nature of words and phrases which add to the confusion thereof

    “The Bible IS the truth. If you don’t want that you don’t want truth.”

    which version of the bible is “the truth”…??

    as i need the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth doth-suffice no-matter how hard a pill it may be to swallow for some

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 6:55 am

    “My other questions have absolute relevance.”

    please clarify for avoidance of doubt why those questions are relevant

    “But as you have made it clear that you are not interested in seeing the truth and simply are asking for me to tell you what you want to hear, which is asking me to commit a logical fallacy, which I simply can not do- I will not be able to entertain your further.”

    please screenshot and provide the evidence for your claim whereby i allegedly made it clear in this whole thread that i allegedly are not seeking the truth

    “And NO- the church is NOT meant for all religious beliefs. It is for the true believers in Christ only and we are called to expose and expel those who sneak in among us. Good bye.”

    is [The Church] of man or of our true-almighty-creator father mother…??

    if [The Church] is of man then that would be correct

    if [The Church] is of our true-all-mighty-creator father mother then you would be mistaken as our true-almighty-creator father mother accepts all who seek the truth

    as for this cancel-cult-ure that is your prerogative and your free-will

    that said would our true-all-mighty-creator father mother cancel us who seek the truth…??

    is it not said in scripture that our true-all-mighty-creator never judges and accepts all who seek the truth…??

    if you think you have hurt my feelings then think again as it hath non bearing on my feelings at all


  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    For real. 😂 Got us all dizzy with that. God bless you and yours. 🙏✝️🌅

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 2:36 pm

    “Got us” …. Implies you seek support. Shows you are doubting your attack. No one else; to this time, has stated confusion from my words … only you have. Funny, you said ; earlier, you wouldn’t read my many words for there were too many and therefore I had too much time on my hands and you said because of that; in which you judge me, that I should repent. This shows you seek to make me look bad or less than you. As if you are all knowing. This actually shows you in a bad light. This shows you are making this all about you. You best stop! It can only escalate. Stop. Stop now.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 2:42 pm

    well said brother

    as we both know that only our true almighty creator is the one and only judge

    and all of us will be judged come judgement day where there are only two judgements to be made, either come on in as the pearly gates open or go away and be sent to hell with pits of fire and brimstone if i interpret correctly

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 3:50 pm

    Actually, I rebuke the devil and watch demons flee. I don’t know what you’re speaking of.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:14 pm

    Actually it doesn’t have to escalate. All you gotta do is breathe, and trust Jesus and plead the blood. He’s not in your thoughts, clearly. It is finished. 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 3:05 pm

    Sorry for the delayed response to you question / comment …. This kind of conversation invites many to spew their own thoughts, beliefs or opinions …. Or simply put; certain topics – everyone has something to say. Because they know what they know and you do not know what they think they know and they do not know what you really know?

    For those that do not know, or not “in-the-know”: those that know do not speak, and those that speak do not know.

    If we speak; for the right reasons, do we know? Or are seeking to know? Is it our place to spew about a guess? Is it our mission to preach to others as if we are in the know? Or our we all seeking to learn from one another? We need not learn “the word” exactly from another. Often, the learning environment creates more questions within us all and sometimes sparks wisdom in us by triggering deep thought. Does the truly ignorant or retarded become condemn to hell for being other than a studious student of the “book?”

    Some push to see the “light” while others humbly live and learn if not by the path they find themselves on in life. Do we condemn the man who waits until his last breath? Or is the “My son is an honor student of the Bible” the only way I to heaven?

    Again, we have more questions than answers. Shouldn’t we always be in question? Or must we truly believe In the false peace of mind one receives from reading the Bible and thinking ….. “ I read and understood the Bible and therefore I am? “. It isn’t enough to be an “A” student of the Bible. Therefore is it enough to blindly have faith?

    It is not our place to doubt first before we believe. No book is going to be a road map or a pass. Do you not think a non believer can stand before God and not enter into heaven? Hopefully we know not that answer.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 3:27 pm

    wait no-longer

    the real purpose is to clear up the ambiguous confusion that lays within the many versions and trans-lat-ions of said bible

    my comprehension is there should only be one true version and trans-lat-ion which is non ambiguous to say the least

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 3:35 pm

    Jumping in here! Here’s what I think the “point” is …. To create one ( you or other people ) simply to think for themselves, and not be blindly lead. Is it not good to converse? We are all guilty of thinking with no words given for those in your life. We assume and we keep our mouth shut in fear of rocking the boat or stepping on toes … God forbid if someone “unfriend” or “blocks” us. It is never a good thing to “ go along, to get along.” Speak your peace… always.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 3:54 pm

    Amen sister. ❤️👑✝️

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 3:38 pm

    You are on target.

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    In my opinion on a way it is: Personally, if you do not wish to swear on the Bible for an oath – don’t do so. To do so is saying you agree. I would think you could agree on an oath with or without swearing on only one choice of “book.”

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 3:47 pm

    the point you think or thought was not the intended point in all fairness as i did not think of it that way

    that said would you mind if i take that point and add to the original intent now that you bring it to my thought process…??

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 3:49 pm

    King James Version man. Simple.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 3:52 pm

    Okay, that is the most sense you made in this post. I agree with your last comment. Take care. God bless you all in Jesus name. There is One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. (Ephesians) no need to be confused, God is very clear in His Word. 😃

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 3:57 pm

    king james was not a very nice man as history reports

    that said

    Version Information

    In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611, just 85 years after the first translation of the New Testament into English appeared (Tyndale, 1526). The Authorized Version, or King James Version, quickly became the standard for English-speaking Protestants.”


    notice for protestants and not for christians or any other faith…??

    and we know the history of protestants do we not…??


  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 4:04 pm

    That has been disproven so many times. 😂 you don’t know how long I’ve had this conversation. Time to get in that Bible, and actually become God’s child. Because the real children, WILL call you out. I pray this hits you because of someone was talking to me in this ferocity about the truth, I’d shut up and listen. Listening…… A beautiful skill, common sense……. Also useful. Jesus didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword. I’m outside witnessing to people who are broken on the streets today. And you? Enough. Doctrines of man are not the Word of God. Jesus is the way. Follow Him.

    He’s the only way out of this confusion.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:13 pm

    Every man is fallible 😂😂😂. That’s exactly why we don’t do this!! We GO TO GOD!!! What God did for me, I have no reason to be upset. I hate wickedness, so I call it out. If that bothers you, ask yourself why. “Search me God, try me” David in the Lion’s Den. Try it sometime.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 4:11 pm

    @JesusIsOurSaviour i am all ears, well eyes to read you debunk and disprove of king james i

    and the sources that cite it like biblegateway and leicester villages

    i am listening to your ferocity on this topic

    ferocity (n.)

    c. 1600, from French férocité, from Latin ferocitatem (nominative ferocitas) “fierceness,” from ferocis, oblique case of ferox “bold, courageous, warlike; fierce, savage, headstrong, cruel,” literally “wild-looking,” a derivative of ferus “wild” (from PIE root *ghwer- “wild beast”) + -ox (genitive -ocis), a suffix meaning “looking or appearing” (cognate with Greek ōps “eye, sight;” from PIE root *okw- “to see”).

    what religion was king james i

    was he christian catholic protestant or other religion or a converter of different faiths…??

    see for guidance on this topic


  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 4:52 pm

    “jesuslsoursavior”. You left ( I assume )the conversation when challenged; only to return after a long time away from the conversion when most had ended the conversation. You did this ( it appears ) to respond to comments one after the other all at this later time when most people signed-off. This clearly is a cowards response and a self-centered way to debate or communicate in a very one way manner to avoid a rebuttal. It ;once again, shows you seek how you look to others, and not an engagement in a battle of words. Time stamps show your cowardly actions. Don’t waste your time saving face.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:07 pm

    No no no hahahaha we left because we are literally attending the church on the streets. Please stop with all this nonsense. You’re not correct. That’s all I got to say to you. I don’t feel I need to say anymore. I left scripture. Let all your conversation be in Christ Jesus, all else corrupt communication. I’m as bold as a Lion, I left because it’s a dry well and when you preach the gospel and if you or anyone does not receive it, the blood be upon your own head. That’s not an opinion. That is the truth. Whether you like it or not. Stop with the chit chat. Give me chapter and verse.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    to quote @JesusIsOurSaviour from his/her own timeline some two hours ago

    quote “Hebrews 4:12 KJV

    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” verbatim

    thereby s/he may have the comprehension of the meaning thereof and perhaps @JesusIsOurSaviour can elaborate on this meaning for us


  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:19 pm

    That’s all your opinion, and you’re entitled to that. There’s no facts to anything you said man. Sorry you’re bothered by the truth, don’t argue with me. Talk to God.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:10 pm

    Why does it matter what apostasy some one may or may not have been apart of if it has nothing to do with MY SALVATION? People WHAT JESUS DID ON THE CROSS – BLED DIED AND ROSE AGAIN FOR YOU AND ME – WHEN WE DON’T DESERVE IT. PLEAD THE BLOOD.


  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 5:15 pm

    What you preach isn’t yours to preach. You are an empty vessel. You know not your ignorance.

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 5:18 pm

    Take truth in your statement you already made prior to going against your own statement, and tuck tail.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 5:18 pm

    it matters because the fallen one’s [1’s] are the great deceivers as we all know as they corrupt man and beast alike

    to name but a few





    see for more

    they all have their part to play in this matrix for good bad or worse or complete-evil


  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 5:20 pm

    To who. Do you speak? To whom are displaying your false self appointed mission not yours to be the righteous one.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 5:23 pm

    to expand further @Woodsman on your comment

    father mother forgive them as they know not what they say or do

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:24 pm

    Filled with the Holy Spirit there’s nothing more that I need. Rivers of Living Water. I rebuke you Devil, and all your schemes. We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. I don’t have a tail, and I will definitely not listen to you or any man that’s not anointed and not preaching scripture. You said ZERO scripture. You said ZERO truth, I will not listen to you or your made up private interpretations. The enemy raises up people who like to have the last word. But guess what….. MY GOD IS THE BEGINNING AND THE ENDING! Hah God bless you in Jesus name. And seriously, peace be with you. I said my piece. Time to bring in the harvest. Hell is never full. Heaven is for the True Soldiers.

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 5:26 pm

    Now you know who the devil is …. You’re a fool. Go away!

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:31 pm

    You don’t pray to any mother nor saints nor angels ONLY THE FATHER I don’t know what you’re talking about but that’s not what the Bible says and that’s not what we were commanded to do. I’m sorry but the world has clearly deceived you in some deep apostasy and honestly, I’m done here, I don’t see any, um, well truth coming from either of you.. The wheat will be separated from the TARES….. No man will tell me anything. God is my Shepherd.

    Hope to see you in Heaven. That’s where we will be.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 12, 2023 at 5:35 pm

    It’s actually really bad for you to call people names. The Bible says it’s not wise to call people fools. It doesn’t hurt me, it hurts you, and your personal relationship with your first love. (God) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️👑👑👑👑👑👑👑

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 17, 2023 at 12:24 am

    The enemy used you in this conversation. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. What are you doing here? What is YOUR purpose? If it’s not for God then it’s for the Devil. Peace be with you. It’s only in JESUS! A carnal mind cannot eat spiritual food if it rejects it so quickly! Lord have mercy!

  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 5:35 pm

    You practice proselytism. See you going to hell.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 5:54 pm

    really no mother hmm pause for thought

    you cannot have one without the other as that is not how life works as we need both

    really you are going to heaves, says who as none of will truly know come judgement day


  • Woodsman

    February 12, 2023 at 5:39 pm

    Your act of proselytism is evil. Again, good bye. You seem to fail to understand the word stop and go away. I need not have my in box filled with your crap. I need not out others over your inabilities.

  • gods-child

    February 12, 2023 at 6:07 pm

    @MrSunShine ” Also, to all others who have read my previous comments, thank you for letting me participate and not judging me for my beliefs or lack thereof.”

    you are very welcome

    my comprehension is that we are here for each other no matter what “beliefs or lack thereof” and not to judge one another

    as you can see it is very hard to get straight answers even from them that claim to be in the know

    i wish you luck getting the answers you seek


  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 14, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    Everyone has their own free will to choose to believe what they want. Don’t slander my name, because that’s not right. Don’t assume, because the Bible says not to. God bless you in Jesus name. Amen.

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 14, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    You’re very angry…. Sorry about it. Praying for you to find peace in God. 🙂

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 14, 2023 at 4:40 pm

    The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ the Saviour of the whole world! Amen! This is written. This is the truth. Your blood be upon your own head if you do not take heed to the word. It’s all written. Welcome to Revelation. End Times. (I say this to everyone, and I’ve never had anyone respond this way) The truth will set you FREE!

  • gods-child

    February 14, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    @JesusIsOurSaviour when you say quote “don’t slander my name” end-quote to whom are you referring to…??

    slander (n.)

    late 13c., sclaundre, “state of impaired reputation; disgrace or dishonor;” c. 1300, “a false tale or report spread maliciously; the fabrication and dissemination of false tales to discredit someone,” from Anglo-French esclaundre, Old French esclandre “scandalous statement,” alteration (“with interloping l” [Century Dictionary]) of escandle, escandre “scandal,” from Latin scandalum “cause of offense, stumbling block, temptation” (see scandal).

    It is attested from mid-14c. as “action or situation that brings shame or disgrace;” late 14c. as “a bad situation, evil action” and in reference to a person causing such a state of affairs.

    for your information

    folk can read and make their own minds on what every member has typed in this thread and can make their own minds up on each of us

    that said those that are right with our true almighty father mother have nothing to fear or worry about, nor do they make themselves look guilty of anything that they percieve themselves not to be guilty thereof

  • JesusIsOurSaviour

    February 15, 2023 at 3:23 am

    It’s an Almighty Father, for sure. God bless you in Jesus name. Peace and grace be upon you and your family.

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