• How Does This Work?

    Posted by KimC on November 3, 2022 at 3:17 am

    Can anyone help me understand what the difference is between clicking “read more” and text is quickly loaded in the current window of the activity feed vs being taken instead to the top of a group discussion elsewhere on the site where it’s necessary to then try to find what I was just reading? Sometimes clicking “read more” loads only a few more words, and sometimes it loads paragraphs of text—right in the activity feed window. But at other times it takes me completely out of the feed. Is there a word count trigger or some kind of flag that the site has built in that’s not intuitive? Many times I would not click “read more” at that point if I knew I would end up outside the activity feed because of limited time to review lots of posts. After finding what I was trying to read more of and then getting back to the feed where I left off after finding and reading has been quite the challenge, and takes a bit time to find my place again (if I can). How can I tell the difference when I need to stay in the feed? Thanks!

    KimC replied 2 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • BiggKidd

    November 3, 2022 at 3:24 am

    I don’t know this but it seems to me when you just make a comment on the main page it just adds the text when you make a comment on a forum it loads the page. There is the issue of it not going to the post that needs worked out. That’s my .02 anyway.

    • KimC

      November 3, 2022 at 3:39 am

      <div>Thanks for the response. I don’t think there’s a way to discern if the post in the feed was done on the main page or in a forum. I just want to read the rest of what they wrote in the feed. If there is a way to tell the difference, I haven’t recognized it so I might know not to click “read more” when I don’t have time to leave the feed. </div>

      Yes, going directly to the post would be a dream. I saw that someone (who seemed to know/understand the issue) listed a fix for it. Not sure the tech team saw that though. Hopefully they did. If it’s as straightforward to fix as the poster suggested, it would supposedly be a quick fix.

      Side note: I used to be your sort-of neighbor (born and raised in WVa). Blessings. Kim

      • MossyBottomFarm

        November 3, 2022 at 3:44 am

        You can look at the URL when you hover over the Read More link. If it has ‘news-feed’ in the URL I think it will link back to the same page but with the full post. Crazy thing is (if you examine the source) that even if it’s not a news feed the whole post is there anyway, just not displayed in full, pity they can’t just display the rest of the hidden post.

      • KimC

        November 3, 2022 at 5:54 am

        Thank you. Great tip! I will be checking that out. I’m still not understanding what qualifies a post to only be listed/linked as the activity feed vs a forum discussion though, but maybe someone knows and can chime in on that. Blessings, Kim

  • Barred-Rock-or-Brahma

    November 3, 2022 at 8:42 am

    For me (on andrioid) you can tell where the post was posted by looking next to the poster’s name. In the first picture it just says Username “posted an update” that means it’s on the main feed. In the second picture, all of the posts say Username “posted an update” or “replied to a discussion” in X group or X forum. Clicking those will take you somewhere else.

    Lifehack (maybe?): instead of clicking “read more,” try clicking on the poster’s name/picture, then on their “timeline.” That should be a list of their posts, and the one you are looking for is probably at or very near the top of the list.

    Also, if you don’t want to lose you place on the main feed, open up the post in a new tab or window so that you don’t have to scroll down again when you return to the main feed.

    • KimC

      November 4, 2022 at 2:48 am

      Thanks so much! That’s a good idea about looking at the timeline instead of searching a thread. Great hack. Tonight I’m getting error messages when clicking “read more” in the activity feed saying there was a problem loading it. Apparently there are still some bugs to work through. All in good time. Thanks again. Blessings, Kim

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