• Freesteading Store

    Posted by Summerhat-n-Chicks on April 25, 2023 at 2:16 am

    I’m kind of surprised that there isn’t a tab somewhere to make it easier to find the Freesteading Store to get some Freesteading merchandise. I know I’ve done it before, but I can’t remember how I got there. Can I get a little help here ? 😧

    Summerhat-n-Chicks replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Billt21

    April 25, 2023 at 3:14 am

    There’s a apparel tab on the left.

    • Summerhat-n-Chicks

      April 25, 2023 at 2:18 pm

      Where ? I can’t find anything.

    • Summerhat-n-Chicks

      April 25, 2023 at 2:26 pm

      Ok, I can see it when I’m on my phone, but not on the PC. I don’t make purchases via my phone.

      Gonna tell Tag.

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