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I didn’t ask for answers cause I do my own research on worldly things and I ask Abba on spiritual issues, but I watched the video anyway, and nice!! How do you really feel about it>? lol.
I sincerely hope you haven’t had any issues with your heart since doing this though. Not sure if you have checked out that book someone sent you by Morley Robbins “CuRe” but you might want to look into it.
You can learn how to easily support the mineral needs of your adrenals during stress with adrenal cocktails. Takes less than 30 minutes to take effect. Plenty of time to fend off any heart related responses that are an hour out from the stressor, since you seem to know the way your body responds.
Take care of you!!
Okay, so now to answer the actual question you asked, what else can we do to live a life done free…
This might be a controversial topic, however, it is true for me in terms of being part of my journey in becoming more free each day to the best of my ability. It’s not going to be for everyone and I understand that. For me, and many others actually, taking responsibility for my own and my family’s health care was perhaps the most freeing aspect of all. I do not personally have health care insurance anymore because I do not choose to participate in the current paradigm of what ‘healthcare’ actually consists of.
It took many hours and much research, not to mention fair chunk of change, to learn how to maintain a healthy physical body. What I learned challenged to the core of my being everything I once believed on the topic. I ultimately came to reject germ theory entirely (the THEORY the current mainstream medical cartel was built upon ) and to embrace what is loosely called terrain theory instead. The Bible also has a fair bit to say about this. As a result, the whole rona production hasn’t caused so much as a flinch for me or my family. This well researched decision has spared my family all the fear that so many have experienced for the most recent few years. I haven’t taken any synthetic pharmaceuticals for at least ten years now, to include aspirin or tylenol and can’t imagine ever doing so again for any reason at all whatsoever. To me, that is freedom.
So, listed in short form as your original list was, mine would look like this
1) Thought
2) Debt
3) Energy
4) Water
5) Health
Like you guys, also, our list will, no doubt, expand.
Calcium bentonite clay, epsom salt, sodium bicarb, tallow, hair ties, lye, yeast. All of these things have multiple very practical uses but few folks I know of store them as prep items.
Great topic to discuss, I agree! I like your list, although I think you forgot to list the actual first thing you did in terms of actually moving in the direction of living as a free man; owning your own power to think and decide for yourself was the first actual action you took. It’s not a trivial point either. In my opinion, slavery is a state of mind long before it becomes a state of being in the tangible world. Same goes for freedom. “As a man thinks, so is he.” I also think a person’s mindset is one of the very hardest things to change in terms of actionable items.
All men and women have four basic powers that few are ever aware of. The power to think. The power to feel. The power to speak. The power to act. To the best of my knowledge, these are the essential and only powers we have and/or need to take responsibility for and own in order to live a life done free. It often seems so much easier to pin the blame on others, however, doing so comes at a high price.
There is a famous saying (roughly paraphrasing here)- A man is as happy as he makes up his mind to be. Was it Mark Twain who said that? I suggest the same is true of being free – a man is as free as he makes his mind up to be. You’ve obviously made up your mind to be, and now look what you’ve gone and done… Made it possible for me and all the rest of us here to ponder the same ideal.
Thank you. Thank you for that.
I turned off the TV in 1980. Have done lots of things instead since then, but this year I grew some Danny Corn… and of course, some tomatoes 🙂
MemberAugust 30, 2022 at 5:38 pm in reply to: What Is Freedom? 28 Principles of Freedom series<div>In the end, I’ll share the rule we have in our household. For every
black pill we serve up, we have to serve a white pill along with it.</div><div>Excellent rule! And exactly what I was attempting to share. Without a clear understanding of a problem or even awareness that a problem exists, it is right next to impossible to identify any viable solution. Anything else would be much like playing a child’s game of pin the tail on the donkey.
So, for example, in terms of freedom, most are unaware that people born on the land and soil of America are sovereign, which is to say – free to live life on our own terms according to our own conscience as long as we do not infringe upon the rights of others. Live and let live, so to speak. Attempting to address the current assaults on those freedoms without a clear understanding of the source of those freedoms and the international context within which they operate would be a fools game. Solution: educate ourselves as to the rules of the game so that when we engage and play the game, we have some hope of winning.
Tag’s emphasis on ‘words matter’ is right over the target in beginning to be able to win in the larger game of freedom we are all now becoming aware of. Bobby’s joke about the ‘word oozy’ whether he realizes it or not accurately describes the strategy of those who would have us play the role of slaves. Words do matter, absolutely. ‘They’ know that, and so should we.
Jurisdiction matters too. If we want to have any chance of maintaining our own freedom, we would be very wise to understand that also. The only jurisdiction that pertains to living men and women is the Land jurisdiction. We would be wise to educate ourselves on it.
Looking forward to the rest of the series. 🙂 Thanks!!
Funny how that works, isn’t it?
Mentioned this to the hubby. He’s looking into it! He’s an engineer so that’s just what he does, hehe.
I’m not familiar with weed guard, will have to look it up! Thanks!
Sorry your move didn’t give you any relief from the heat!!
MemberAugust 30, 2022 at 3:04 am in reply to: What Is Freedom? 28 Principles of Freedom series<div>Only halfway through so far, but just wonder if any of you are aware of the details about the origins of sovereignty for Americans via the direct actions of William the Conqueror?</div><div>
Anyone aware of the differences in distinction between the three internationally existing jurisdictions -Air, Land, and Sea? Hint: our journey to freedom may be best undertaken in the proper jurisdiction – that of the Land. The corporation currently attempting to provide governmental services operates in the jurisdiction of the Sea, which has nothing at all to do with us. Their constitution is not our original constitution, which was and remains a contract between internationally recognized sovereigns.
Anyone aware that our sovereign government has not been fully functional since the Civil War (which was neither civil nor a properly declared war)?
Or that Abraham Lincoln had no lawful right to become president of our sovereign government?
Or, or, or…
So much of our actual history has been intentionally hidden the American men and women.
Back to finish the video now…
I keep some of those in the freezer to share.
I’ll have to look into that! Thanks.
hmmm, well I suppose it wouldn’t be too hard to repurpose some shade cloth and just cover the whole darn thing… will run it by my hubby and kids. Thanks!!
Firstly, kudos to you for following your passion regardless of less than ideal circumstances!! That’s just awesome in my book!! 🙂 Thanks for all the great tips and things to consider! Our plan is to follow Billy and Michelle’s set-up with a few modifications – we’re using cattle panels with chicken wire attached instead of netting, setting up lanes in our garden for this year and running them through the cover crops while providing feed the whole time since our first chick order was for cornish cross and cornish roasters… we missed the memo on that breed not working well with the chicken tractor on steroids. We hope to try his complete plan next spring and have ordered buff orpington hens and roosters this fall to breed and then incubate and grow out for meat birds next year. We plan to use the orange netting overhead as they show in their videos and we actually do have live owls on our property also, although a plastic one might be purchased depending on how things go this fall. Again thanks and looking forward to seeing more about what you come up with here!!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Toni.