MemberForum Replies Created
Ah, you caught me. I only have the one bottle so yes it’s pure argon. I don’t care if the welds are pretty, someday I will get a second bottle.
I have been trying to upload a pic for days now. So this morning seems like everything finally came together to allow me to upload a small vid of a very small portion of what I call our swamp. It is a whole lot larger than what you will see here. It covers the whole top of the hill, about 1000 ft long.
Sure is, it works great.
Amazon, it’s a lodge cast iron.
No worries, it is all good input. Makes a body think about things.
Last summer, during the drought there was still a lot of water in places. I’m not sure that really means anything. I do plan on making a rain catchment systems once we have some roofs in place. I just really need to get some goats there and was hoping to use that water for now.
Thank you for the input, but this is not our 5 acre property in the panhandle of Florida. it is our 20 acre parcel in Conecuh county Alabama. Were the really delicious sausage comes from. Lol.
It has been suggested to me that there is a spring, but I cannot verify that at this time. The swampy area is approximately 50ft wide and approximately 1000ft long. Most of it is very overgrown but I can tell there is at least two areas where the water is ponding. I need to put some goats up in there to do the dirty work. I don’t know if I can get my drone in there due to the trees. It is probably a basin in the top of the clay hill that collects rainwater.
Defiantly not runoff as it is the high point of the land, but there are other types of pollution to consider for sure.
That is Titan. He is my buddy. He is upset with me because I sold all the goats and sheep so we could move the homestead.