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The big companies who often also do hybrids and weed control let me say it nicely, buy the smaller ones if they become to big. They just want to control all they can, make everyone depending on them. Buying seeds, poisons to spray every time they crow a crop and year after year.
The smaller ones that save seeds and become a danger, will be sued and be controlled that way.
Most that crow for gene and seed banks are no competition and help to keep genes they need for producing hybrids.
Dear Zachery get well soon, we all be praying for you.
Good idea make a secured community, only heirloom pure clean seeds, bulbs, cuttings and plants.
Wow do not kknow what to say to all this, There goes the vegetable garden hack no way.
Pretty good set up, seed saving is not so hard bit have to be done right, to not let the be cross pollinated. Just one each family, space and barrier, inside or netting is a lot a work for just a hobby.
May I ask what jumbo Jerseys are, is thT a new breed?
So busy with chickens, rabbits, garden and all, keep up the good work!
I am almost ready with the tunnel, just the last 3 m from the last bed to make by hand. Making those 7 market garden beds was a lot a hard work, but just for one time if I can keep up all the work by myself.
Sorting seeds, the old one have to seed them all and then select the ones to keep. With or without help, I have to do it all this year to star and make the project work. Eggs and potatoes are arranged, vegetables and fruit must be worked on.
Now have to go to work, have a blessed day all.
Try candlesto put on a grave, with all do respect they are cheap and long burning hours. We use them as being prepared to, just in case.
Zachary Keep on fighting little brave warrior, we keep on praying for everyone that needs our prayers. God bless you and your family!
Our son was born with a emergency c section, we ware rushed in to the trauma emergency op room and I saw him 2 hours later. He was fighting from the start and had to stay for 2 weeks in icu, he could not drink he had no swollow reflaxes and we had servile problems for years. He is 7 years now, still a fighter but doing ok.
We will pray for you all, you as parents need to be strong your son will fight. Be on his side every moment possible, but let you husband take over for a while so you can take your rest. You will need it, I had no chance doing that and still paying for that. My husband say I did not now that, why did you not tell me. But our son was the first priority, so I was with him al the time.
Heal and get well soon, we all are praying for you all!
That is why I have ask, washed eggs need to be saved in fridge and left alone can be ouside the fridge and longer. You can gently scrape off dirt with a knife. But do not wash and damage the protection layer on the breathable eggshell. That way bacteria can get in, that is not what you want. Just before use put them in cold water, the one that floods is bad gently trow away in compost. Middle still good but a couple weeks and bottom are fresh.
Good to know, they look like very actief chickens nice.
Do you wash your eggs, or just save them outside the fridge? Do not forget to eat them though!
Time crowing and laying is same with Bresse, but are they also good meat chickens?
Nice breed, they look like active chickens.