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Of couse, i dont care which denomination you belong to or if you’re Christian. Each person is made in the Divine Image & I prefer to focus on what unites us 🐝
Sorry for the delay. Actually, not when it comes the EO. It is predenomination. It didnt come into existence at the time of the great schism.
If christian history interests you, read up on the 5 Sees = the Catholic Church & the 7 Ecumenical Councils.
Catholic is not like Protestant. Not a bunch of different branches to it. Protestants come from the Roman Catholic branch though.
Not trying to come off rude or anything. **All for** the individual pursuing God in whatever tradition or philosophy connects them. When it comes to Christian theology & history, that’s an area I cannot compromise on.
Retired homeschooler. I’m just here for support & encouragement, which both new & seasoned can never have enough of during the ebb & flow of homeschooling.
Is it similar to Public Square? That’s a community app. You may be able to save yourself time & money and if I’m not mistaken, I believe you can dedicate a page for it.
I’m not Roman Catholic either 😉 Eastern Orthodox. Catholic, but not Roman. 4 other Sees exist that equal Catholic (universal). Roman is just what most people associate with it. Nostrovia!
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by henofthewoodlands.
Thanks for your input. I was looking at it more it terms of beauty, prayer, & meditation. Lifting the mind higher. Think I just need to search more. The Orthodox (& RC) have a long standing tradition in practice today at monasteries on Gardening, Farming, & Spirituality. I should tap into those resources.
I came across a few books that sparked my interest. The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, & the Kingdom by Rabbit Room Press. The font & cover is gorgeous…
“How glorious are Thy works O Lord. In Wisdom has Thou made them all”
There’s a strong biblical connection between people and trees. They both come from dirt. They’re both told to bear fruit. In fact, arboreal language is so often applied to humans that it’s easy to miss, whether we're talking about family … Continue reading
The reluctant learner is hard… For reading, find what interests the child. It could be anything from comic books, picture books, and consider audio books. Just might not be ready for reading & that’s okay.
There’s a method for both reading & writing that involves spelling. Look into spellingyousee.com (Demme learning – creators of mathusee curriculum). Might be able to accomplish solving two problems at once. All the best! -
See about connecting to a local Youth Group through Church. An Outreach Project with the group might encourage new connections. Check with your local Homeschool Co-op Coordinator. Usually can find info about it through the library – which is like “the place to be” for homeschoolers. Another cool site is meetup.com . Might meet some fellow homeschoolers & find things that interest your 7th grader. Sports is another great connection. 4-H Club. If your 7th grader is new to homeschooling, might need to de-school (or detox) from it. Lots of great tips online for how to go about that. Wishing you the best!
Almost forgot, there’s a Holistic Medicine network on freedomcells dot org that you can join & put the information on. I’d also look into connecting with a local group in your area to offer that service in exchange for something you might need (perhaps eggs, cheese, herbs, etc). Best of luck to you & thanks for this much needed assistance.
Fire ants are no joke. So painful & itchy! The Epic Garden Channel on YT has some great videos on Neem Oil, along with the Self-sufficient Me channel (10 organic ways to control pests). The Epic Channel in “Foolproof Aphid Control & Prevention” mentioned that it’s good to figure out what’s attracting the ants. Is it the aphid that leaves behind a sweet nectar for the ants to eat (bribing them lol)? Hope it helps!