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  • Gdf8312

    March 19, 2023 at 5:31 am in reply to: questions seeking answers to clear confusion

    Dear friends, the Word of God, the Bible, is straight forward. There is no confusion. Allow me to explain this:

    First: what bible are you reading? How do you know its the truest version from the original scripts? Answer: follow history. The oldest, truest possible version to the original scripts, is, The 1611 King James. Not the corrupted vatican version. There’s a big tree of diversion between eastern and western mainstream theology history around this.

    Second: DO NOT read 1verse alone and call it so or so. BIG mistake. The last verse in Revolutions tells us that, if words are removed, or added, so shall be the fates. Thus, the Word of God is COMPLETE, PERFECT. How can a perfect God create imperfection? Or something LESS? No. When you study the Bible IN ITS ENTIRETY, You will see everytime, everything backs and supports and confirms everything else.

    In summary: God is perfect. His Word is perfect. If you find yourself confused, puzzled, unsure, disheartened, to who does such words belong? You guessed it, the Father of Lies. And how does he do it? By: removing words,adding words, Refocussing on a pin, ignoring completion, thereby generating his goal. And that goal, is to keep humanity away from God. In short, get the best bible as close to original as possible, study it in its entirety, and pray.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Gdf8312.