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Great topic actually this is my 1st year starting onions from seed. No problems yet but any tips would be helpful!
I’ve deleted the app & started over a couple times . Still happening
I’m having the same problem. With opening them up. My screen gets frozen in the same spot .
Great idea. . For rabbit poop!
I’m sure wood is fine. Actually once I put them outside . I use the the long red chick starter feeders. & rubber bowls if it’s cold. Couldn’t find the full pattern for the metal feeder. But I took a pic of the bender that came from harbor freight. As far as the rivets they have manual rivet guns that you squeeze. As far as wood experience I’ love to make stuff not a lot of time. Most of its trial & error. & many years of diy , fix it.
Thanks . I didn’t see any flaws. No I had help. I got a bunch of free 2×4 . A friend cut them all into2x2 on his table saw.While we have a table saw. I’ll only use it for plywood. Cortunix Corner You Tube has instructions☺️
Also made chicken feeders out of left over aluminum. I’ll post a pic . Soon
Sounds great. I’ll let you know how it goes!
MemberJanuary 24, 2023 at 9:58 pm in reply to: Feeding livestock in SHTF scenario, no feed or prices become unaffordableDeep South homestead You tube videos
He has some videos on cows
I didn’t know she had a channel. I’ll look for it!
Thank you
Thanks for the update. A little bit of good news.
Stacey’s fermenting book is on my wishlist!
One of my 1st gardening books was The Victory garden. Can’t say I have a favorite.i guess I still need to keep looking. I’ve got some old school books pioneer times. Solar , electronics, castiron cooking all for dummies😂some building / construction how to.
My latest isThe Family garden planner
By Melissa Norris. & Even more helpful a wall calendar for the year . To keep all the plant dates & hatch dates .
Thanks I saw something like that. Wasn’t sure if it would work. Agway use to test soil for free. I doubt they want to test my manure mix!!!
Thanks I’d appreciate it.
Thank you!!
I eye ball it now when I’m hand watering . But I’d like to use it thru a liquid fertilize/ drip system . Have a great day!