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So many strong women!
I don’t do this full time, I have a full-time day job, but I am blessed to have my office across the yard. We have had goats and chickens for over 10 years, and we are still learning. Sometimes I don’t want to get up at 5am when the alarm goes off, but we have to get out and get the chores so I can open the office.
This year I started gardening again. I am no longer taking care of my Dad, he succumbed to Parkinson’s last year, so I have more time. I am freeze drying what I have been able to grow. Cucumbers and Okra have done the best. I guess because both like hot temps. Glad to read the stories, I know I am not alone.
Your local beekeeper would be best, Contact your county extension office. They should have a list of local beekeepers.
PS Most are always looking for help and that is a great way to learn.
I am brainstorming now about hay alternatives for my goats.
I am looking into producing more of my chicken feed. I have 14 chickens. I only feed them commercial scratch and layer pellets when I let them out of the coop in the morning. They free range all day. I have a LGD and about an acre fenced in to free range on. We are growing meal worms as a supplement and treat. I have a compost pile in the fenced in area that gets my kitchen scraps and garden cuttings. We grew some field corn in a 20×20 fenced in plot this year, so we can grind the corn to supplement the chicken feed.
I have goats too, and when I clean the pens, that goes into the compost pile also.
I have tried soldier flies also, did not work well in central Oklahoma.