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frigid here in SW Missouri…yesterday Thursday temps -9* wind chill -35* and the winds were howling…I placed deep shavings into the chicken coops and kept them inside…the goats had shelter and used it even during the day…horses had blankets on, but stayed outside chomping on hay…most of the cows stayed outside eating their hay too…our dog stays in his igloo, but because he is short haired I brought him inside our basement…today temps rose to 5* and the wind had slowed down…all is well…no frozen pipes…our UTV started…yippee, but our diesel P/U won’t keep running…thinking the fuel has gelled?
I totally forgot to mention I am experimenting with an unheated greenhouse…it was 12* at 6a.m. but, as soon as the sun came out it rose quickly to 42*…the outside temps were -5* real temps so that’s not too bad…I am hoping fruit trees that can’t take 10* and lower might make it next year in this greenhouse with a small amount of heat.
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by 4MFarms.
sweet feed definitely sweetens the flavor
also they are free range…fed good feed and minerals…clean their coop regular too
no autopsy…they fluff up one day….no diarrhea…just stop eating in three days die and they are a pile of feathers…super thin like a wasting disease..btw I have never lost any before either in 30+ years of raising them…I looked up my records and the ones that WERE vaccinated are still alive and healthy…it’s the only disease that fits the description
I have Saanen, LaMancha, Nubian and Boer cross goats…love them all…SW Missouri…I also have 2 milk cows
MemberDecember 7, 2022 at 9:31 pm in reply to: Suggestions for fluctuating extreme temps when gardeningI never know if I should water 2-3 times a day or just deep water once or twice a week…I literally had baby plants that were just a couple of inches high…I’ve been gardening for 35 years and have never seen such challenges as last year…I lost poplar trees and a 10 year old peach and cherry tree too
MemberDecember 7, 2022 at 2:04 pm in reply to: Suggestions for fluctuating extreme temps when gardeningI mulched and watered once a day, but were soon wilted within hours…also use Baker Creek seed…which is local and several other companies
We have enough food for a year plus I have raised beds in our garden and a small greenhouse I’m in zone 6B
all my wine eventually turned to vinegar
where are you located your farm sounds like mine…I am in SW Missouri
I will be selling my Kiko doe after she kids this spring….I have to downsize…she is a great mother
I will be selling my Kiko this spring after she kids…I have to downsize…she is solid black and always has twins….excellent mother
Some of us are not on telegram so I appreciate you relaying the info especially concerning ice age farmer
I have family members that admit they see it but, don’t want to hear about it because it stresses them out.. they would rather stick their head in the sand
MemberDecember 7, 2022 at 3:59 am in reply to: Feeding livestock in SHTF scenario, no feed or prices become unaffordableI am impressed you sound like you have everything covered… We have all animals but have downsized due to the shortage of hay this year and ridiculous high price… Pat yourself on the back