Reply To: New Member Introductions

  • FlorAlive-Homestead

    February 1, 2023 at 1:59 pm

    Hello Nick and Irma. Good to read your story.

    Young and with wife and two beautiful children.That is a great place to be. That is the kind of energy my wife and I (and little boy) are desiring to bring to our homestead to help us keep it up and finish developing our dream that is nearly complete. If you get a chance, please read our intro and profile.

    I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles and left there for rural Tennessee at age 40. It has been a long road to develop our 160 acres of forest with 7 open acres of organic farm. (I maintained a holistic chiropractic practice and still do.) That was only possible with the unbelievable support and diligence of a man and wife team (Mayan Indians from S. Mexico) that worked for us for fourteen years. They just had to depart to join family members in another state, so we are intending to attract to our land a young couple that would love to work here, and possibly develop a CSA (community supported agriculture) business. We have several areas that can be subdivided and developed as building pads so that independent houses can be built to create a supportive community. Many possibilities.

    I figure that in parts of California (with its odd political twist) there will be young folks looking to move to another state to carry on life. If you happen to run across such good people, please invite them to contact us.

    Wishing you the very best in your dream, and there are wonderful ways to energize dreams so they become real.