Reply To: New Member Introductions
What’s up friends. Just figured I’d introduce myself since I finally have some time to start using this app a little. I found out about this site from Deep South Homestead’s podcast and I think it’s pretty cool.
My name is Nick and my wife Irma and I are based in central California, on the west side of the Sierras in the foothills. We’re in our mid 30s and have two beautiful girls. We’ve been wanting to get back to living closer to the land for awhile, and we were starting to look at buying land in southern Mexico, where my wife is from, since the prices in California are so ridiculous. But we ended up with an opportunity to buy a small house on 40 acres here in the foothills close to where I grew up. It felt right so we went for it. Now we’re deep in debt, ha ha, but we’re super happy and excited to begin working towards our dream of living off the land, and getting free from depending on a corrupt system that doesn’t have our best interests in mind. We also trust that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, in terms of being able to survive and pay off our mortgage, because we have faith, and we believe that we were led to this place by the Creator, so we just need to work hard and do our best, and the rest will be taken care of.
It’s going to be a long journey in terms of getting our place to where we want it, since I’m working full time and my wife is working part time, and most of our income is going to paying off the land and daily expenses like food and gas. But even though we’re not rich in terms of money, I feel we’ve been very blessed with riches of other kinds, like community, creativity, and optimism. I’m confident that things will go well for us, as long as we stay humble and in tune with the Creator’s will for us.
For now we’re working on fixing up the house a little, and cleaning up brush and down trees on the property. This year we’ll probably just focus on building a good woodshed and getting down wood cut and split to sell for firewood next fall. I’d also like to get a couple hives of bees this spring, and maybe some chickens.
Eventually we’d like to focus on grazing either, cattle or sheep, or a combination. I like Greg Judy’s style of regenerative grazing (you can check him out on YouTube) and I’d like to try that in our climate.
We also want to grow fruit trees. The trees that grown good in our particular neck of the woods are, persimmon, apple, mulberry, fig, pear, and pomegranate.
Anyway, it’s gonna be a tough journey but we’re excited and feel blessed to be taking the first steps. It’s cool to see the discussions on this app and everyone who is at different stages of similar journeys. Look forward to forging connections here and building this movement, towards getting back to the way life’s supposed to be. Sometimes you just gotta do what you know needs to be done, even when people tell you it’s impossible. Sure is cool to see others who are going out and doing the impossible too!
Hope everyone reading this has a great day. Peace ✌🏼