Reply To: frugal portable solar power kits inventory thought process for community

  • BiggKidd

    February 2, 2023 at 10:14 pm

    When the sun is coming directly in the CLEAN window and the panel is at the correct tilt it should make somewhere close to 100% of it’s rated output, maybe. But that’s not when you make most of your power believe it or not. First the sun is only directly straight on with a panel for minutes of a day. Taking that in to account there is a window of time that’s close enough to straight on that lasts two – three hours for full output assuming conditions are perfect. Where I live we get on average 3.5 solar hours a day. I think that means fixed panels can generate 80% or above their rated output for a daily average of 3.5 hours. I think that average is taken over a years time so some days will have say 2 solar hours in winter and maybe 5 in summer. That’s assuming the sun shines every single day which it does not, here we average 180ish days of sunshine.

    Not saying what you want to do is impossible but it’s going to have to have a lot more than the normal amount of just about everything except inverters to work on account of the conditions you want to install it in.