Reply To: frugal portable solar power kits inventory thought process for community

  • BiggKidd

    February 2, 2023 at 3:10 am

    Honestly after living with solar power for 15 years you have a lot of potential problems with VERY little reward possible in the real world. Your system starts off far to handicapped and only gets worse from there. I hate to be a naysayer but that’s all I see is a great big problem waiting to happen.
    Lets start off with the fact you want to help. Well it’d be a dang shame for some of those you’re helping to have gasses, fires and in general unsafe conditions. So car batteries are OUT you NEED AGM type batteries at the very least. Next putting solar panels in windows is going to limit their potential by 70% or so I would think, probably more. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. You’d be a lot better off to provide one of these “solar” generator kits for each case.