Methane Digesters

  • Methane Digesters

    Posted by Jen-in-Ok on October 31, 2022 at 5:54 am

    Has any one set up a methane digester for cooking(heating????) gas? I’ve been researching them, and would like to set up a system here, but I would also like to learn from anyone who has been-there-done-that even on a small scale. what did you use as feed stock that produced the most/best quality gas? how did you scrub the co2 and h2s? did you make a continuous feed or a batch system? did it make enough gas for your needs? what would you want to do differently if you were to start over from the beginning?

    I would really like to hear from others if it was something that worked or not for them.

    BiggKidd replied 2 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Hippocrates_Garden

    October 31, 2022 at 6:05 am

    I’ve looked at them, both homemade and a commercial one. One commercial outfit has a version that integrates a toilet into the system. The possible advantage there for me, in Arkansas, is, Arkansas officially requires any “composting” toilet to have a certain certification, and there’s only one brand I know with it, and of course, it’s the highest priced one. However, a “biogas” toilet wouldn’t technically be a “composting” toilet so that restriction could be argued as not applying.

    My main hesitancy is the storage of the gas. I may not use a lot of gas for cooking, heating and the like, and wouldn’t want it to just be wasted, while I have seen some videos of people compressing it into a container, I’ve got just enough common sense to know, compressing a flammable gas, with a non-intrinsically safe pump designed for such, is a couple of steps past “hold my beer” territory.

    • Jen-in-Ok

      October 31, 2022 at 2:14 pm

      Ah – your needs for one would be totally different than mine. I have a working septic tank and I have no need to conform to ‘regulations’ where I’m at. if I want to kill myself through stupidity, my county doesn’t care – and I’d want it no other way.

      of course, if I were to try to compress and store excess I would need an expensive compressor and tanks made for that. you can buy a small compressor for a couple thousand – if I thought it was something that would be worth-while for me.

      if you needed less gas, couldn’t you just feed it less or do some canning?

  • JfromNorCal

    December 6, 2022 at 4:31 pm

    Yes, I have set up commercial and homestead systems.

    Commercial systems at dairies and wineries handling over a million gallons a day.

    Commercial systems are great… homestead systems… are … fun projects. Hydraulic retention times are 30-45 days on manure. Not practical to replace your propane or natural gas.

    However, if you just want to run a single burner for an hour ( think turkey frier) then maybe we can work something out.

    First thing to realize is you are just not going to get enough production from a homestead to pressurize and store. So we will need to use a container that expands. We have used old tractor inner tubes that work OK, but the best system is probably a tank within a tank. The inner tank is inverted and sealed with water. The inner tank has a pipe that allows the gas to bubble up underneath this tank and it slowly lifts as gas is produced. You will have to manually pressurized system by using weights.

    If you guys want more information, go ahead and reply, and all include some drawings.

    • BiggKidd

      December 6, 2022 at 4:40 pm

      More info is always better!

  • Jen-in-Ok

    October 31, 2022 at 2:07 pm

    I don’t know why we are so hellbent on making life harder for ourselves. but it is true. I was looking at a series of batch digesters, personally – linked together and bubbled through water into storage system of an ICB tote or two (set inside each other to float). but I haven’t made one, and I don’t have a first hand experience how that might go. could always try and find out (what I plan to do) I’d only be out a couple plastic barels and 2 ICB totes and some hose and a flashback (wich is super easy to make). it doesn’t have to be pretty, i just don’t want to pay for propane – and I got lots of stuff to feed one.

  • BentNeedle

    October 31, 2022 at 4:31 pm

    “A country boy can survive” because they’re rebels which is the exact same spirit that built America. Those that strive to tear it all down tend to forget that.

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