Yakon sweet memories.

  • AlphaDelta

    January 15, 2023 at 6:45 pm

    Couldn’t get the link to work.

    I had really good growing yacon plants in large pots all Through Spring and Summer. They died back with cold weather, so I dumped the pots out to harvest the tubers and out of about 7 good sized plants in the pot I only found 1 tuber. Had the same result with topie tombos. The apios americana multiplied a bit, but not what I had hoped for. Looks like dioscoria and batatas are going to be the star tubers. Any idea what I did wrong? Thanks.

    • MartHale7

      January 15, 2023 at 7:27 pm


      You did nothing wrong, this web site does not like Odysee’s URL’s

      Try this,


      Search for Marthale7, click on my channel.

      Then click on content, then type in yacon, and you should find my video.

      I moved away from growing the yacon, as I would rather grow stevia for sweetness have have white yams for calories…. But it was fun to grow..

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by  MartHale7.
  • AlphaDelta

    January 16, 2023 at 2:18 pm

    Wow! your yacons were much larger and more robust than mine. I’m wondering now if what I have is even yacon? mine was more bushy and the stalks weren’t as tall or strong. When they got to about 2′ tall they flopped over.

    • MartHale7

      January 16, 2023 at 2:42 pm

      Ehhh….. I must caution you that soil I had there in that bed was SUPER soil…. it had rock dust biochar, composted cow manure, and beneficial nematodes. I had plants in that soil and standard soil that you would swear were different plant varieties because of just how different they grew. I put alot of $ into that soil and was rewarded very well.

      • AlphaDelta

        January 16, 2023 at 6:31 pm

        Yes you were….

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