Reply To: Worst Preparedness Advice EVER!!!!

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 27, 2023 at 10:52 pm

    As long as this site is available you can PICK MY BRAIN any time. If I don’t have an answer or solution we could sure throw around some ideas to ponder that could possibly work. I’m here to help people as much as I possibly can to get things in order for whatever is in store for our future. At this point, with all that is going on across this country & globally, it is anyone’s guess what could happen first. Regardless, I don’t think we will ever go back to what was once our NORMAL (and that could be a good thing moving forward) but we can and WILL adapt to a NEW WAY OF LIFE and make it a BETTER NORMAL for us and the generations that follow.
    We can all pray that the good Lord will hear the prayers of his children and those turning from their wicked ways to seek HIS face and HEAL THIS LAND in which we live.
    Reach out to me anytime. I’m not on here all day but I do check in when I’ve got a spare minute or two & will respond.
    Thank you for responding and for your kind words. They are truly appreciated!