Reply To: Worst Preparedness Advice EVER!!!!

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 26, 2023 at 8:51 pm

    Hmmm, now you have me STUMPED and that rarely EVER happens to me!! LOL!! Neighbor??? There are only three people I have referenced as my neighbor on here. One is in MS, which I’ve visited and the 2nd used to live in my area but recently moved to a new homestead in my hometown area, the 3rd lives just north of me. If you are neither of those three can you enlighten me a bit more as to your identity or location to be my neighbor? In my actual physical location (very rural remote area), I have very few neighbors & none of whom are homesteaders, preppers or that would be on this site. Well, maybe one that USED to be like-minded.
    I’ve noticed some people on here are changing their names or have more than one profile. Yes, I’m very astute at recognizing subtle changes here. Want to play a game of NAME THAT PERSON with 3 hints? Kind of like playing NAME THAT TUNE? Arghhh…the suspense is blowing me away! 🤨🤔