Reply To: Worst Preparedness Advice EVER!!!!
Thank you for your kind words. I’ve been at this for 24+ yrs and by no means am I a pro but I pay attention to changing times and adjust my prepping accordingly. My brain never stops thinking of easier or better ways to do things and has gone into max overdrive these last few years just trying to stay ahead of what is being thrown at us.
As I have stated in previous comments on this and other discussions, when I began preparing for what I KNEW was eventually coming, I put my mindset back to the pioneer days when there was no electricity, no grocery or hardware stores, no running water and people had to make do with what they had or could build/make. I began searching for MANUAL TOOLS (including gardening, carpentry, kitchen gadgets, lawn equipment, etc.) that didn’t require electricity, gas or modern tech to operate. Thrift Stores, Estate Sales, junk yards and now FB Marketplace are excellent places to find what some call JUNK. I learned TRASH PICK UP DAYS for cities in my area (most were the more ritzy areas as they throw out perfectly good items when they don’t need them or the fad is gone or they remodel, etc.). I also go to Habitat for Humanity RESTORE and find contractor donations for pennies on the dollar. I had friends that worked in the logging business and had them get me huge fat lighter logs that were just being left to rot/burn to be able to start fires easier. I also had friends that worked in construction and when a job was done, they would get me permission to go help clean up as well as dumpster dive for lumber/PVC pipe/fittings. You would be blown away at the WASTE during construction. If they cut a wrong length for a board, plywood, etc., they would just throw that away and get a new piece to start over. I have lots of odd pieces of most any kind/size/type of wood/lumber that is used for repairs on animal housing, sheds or other projects on my homestead. Why cut a full length 2×4 when I just need a 2 ft piece? One mans trash is another mans treasure. I am not afraid to work to get what I want or need for free or to barter.
Yes, I have most modern farm implements, pneumatic carpentry tools, chainsaws, electric welders and a complete Industrial Grade woodworking shop BUT…they will be of no use when there is no gas/electricity to operate them. But I have all manual things to be able to keep things going when that day comes. Will just mean more physical labor on my part and I DO know how to use them all, it will just take a bit longer to get things done..
There are many other things I’m prepared for but as you have noticed, I tend to write BOOKS when I comment or reply to a discussion so I won’t go into everything I’ve done. You can go to my profile and click on my “TIMELINE” to see all the info I’ve shared on MANY topic’s. I’m by no means BRAGGING about what I have or have done. I just share my info in order to help others, especially with time being short to get things done or to help a newbie just starting out.
Sometimes someone new to the site will read what I comment on and it will help them, too. I’m all about PAYING IT FORWARD to others, even if it is info or the trials & errors I’ve learned thru the years to save them time now and I NEVER expect anything in return. What I’ve seen with the comments people make in response is payment enough for me that I’ve helped them and that alone is worth its weight in gold to me.
Got to get off here and go get things ready for a freeze AGAIN tonight. Crazy weather for coastal AL with all these freezes this year! Times are definitely changing from what we once knew as OUR NORMAL!
Be Blessed always!