Reply To: Worst Preparedness Advice EVER!!!!

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 25, 2023 at 5:14 pm

    I get ya on this! Prepping to me is obtaining things to be self-sufficient & sustainable LONG TERM, not just for the moment. What some so-called preppers think is to store food, water, 2A supplies, etc., and not think about what they are going to do when it all runs out. Some buy a bunch of seeds and store them to plant when their food runs out but have never grown a garden in their life! BIG MISTAKE in todays changing times with weather, diseases, and insect problems & no fertilizer or it being unaffordable!
    I prep to be able to keep growing food, and animals, have a long-term source of water (or access to it), and LEARN HOW TO DO IT ALL BEFORE YOU HAVE TO DO IT & HAVE NO CLUE WHERE TO START. I prep foods I can’t reproduce or grow successfully (in bulk) as well as comfort foods & bulk purchases of food to eat while gardens/fruit trees and animals are growing for harvest or FAILED CROPS, THEFT, etc. I have several alternative methods of growing food, just in case. I’ve learned to forage edible foods, and medicinal plants to make medicine when it isn’t available. I’ve planted perennial veggies all over my homestead in inconspicuous places to have backups to my backups for some source of food to eat. This list goes on & on.
    Yes, I have toilet paper stored BUT, I also have purchased sheets at thrift stores and made reusable sources for bathroom needs. I have a septic system & can flush the toilet with water from my above-ground pool or rainwater PLUS I have a working outhouse with a septic system built from 55-gallon drums with leach lines.
    Some people just don’t get prepping for long term survival…but some do! We may not have every single base covered but I’m pretty darn close!
    THOSE are the people I worry about when SHTF…the mauraders that may stumble upon my place thinking they will take what they want? Some may try, some may succeed but some may come & never leave, just saying. 😉 🙃