Reply To: Worst Preparedness Advice EVER!!!!

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    January 25, 2023 at 4:01 pm

    You’re welcome and thank you for responding. These days there seems to be NO RIGHT OR WRONG way to garden. With all the weather & other anomalies we are facing, you have to figure out what is best for you to grow in your zone. It seems every time I THINK I have a problem solved with one growing issue something ELSE happens to throw a kink in my plans or ideas. You just keep on trying & NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Time is not on our side to at least try to figure some things out so if one thing/idea fails, put that thinking cap on and try something else. As I’ve stated in previous posts here, you can’t wait til you HAVE TO MAKE CHANGES to do something else. You may not have time.
    No one knows what our future holds with all that is going on in this country and globally as well as our weather & other solar/atmospheric problems we could be facing. What used to work in the past when things were more “NORMAL” for us gardeners/homesteaders have done an about-face throwing us all into tailspins to figure out something that WILL WORK. If you want to survive you have got to adapt to many changes from what we once knew or what worked in the past. It will be difficult for those new at gardening or homesteading but YOU CAN DO IT if you have the right mindset & determination to do your best. It is a LOT OF WORK and long hours spent over & above your usual workday trying to figure things out, just jump in with both feet and GITTER DONE. Life as we once knew it is gone but times are always changing as our history has shown us. Who knows, we may go back to the pioneer days or even the stone age before we find our NEW NORMAL…if there will ever be one again.
    Good Luck. There are many people on this site that have fantastic ideas they are also sharing that can spark a new idea on a big variety of topics that know whats coming.