Reply To: Most Overlooked ITEM in Preparedness

  • Beachchic

    August 29, 2022 at 7:21 pm

    This list is so detailed, so many ideas. I have to agree with alot of these, the water issue and having a basement both for sure! I also agree with the simple things like fabric, clothes, sock, shoes because lets face it they WILL wear out eventually you can only patch or mend so many times.

    I also think that people way over think things and they run out and buy a bunch of “cool things” just because someone told them to. Pay attention to the things you use every single day, week, month without fail and then make sure you have plenty of that. How much do you use of that in a month, then multiply that by a year or two or what not. What can you do without?

    Water I think is everyones biggest issue. My family included! We were on well water for 10 years, I learned to conserve so well. My husband and oldest child have the hardest time with this because water is on tap…until its not. We will have to be like the old timers wash dishes in a dishpan, do you have a couple? Use the dishwater to water plants that need watered, reuse the rinse water to wash a load of clothes. If the water is in a dishpan you will find it is easier to reuse it so then you will. If its brown flush is down if its yellow let it mellow, or better yet if its yellow go outside or in a bucket so that you can use it to water with. You wont be bathing every single day…get use to that now! Some people will absolutely flip their crap over this alone…Ive got one in my house that will be in for a rude awakening, sometime 2 or more showers a day. Find an alternative now! Do you have natural water on your property you had no clue about, we found a natural spring had no clue it was there. Have a hand pump or way to get water out. Barrels or buckets to catch rain.

    Dont always think about stuff you need to buy i think that is a big trap. If you have to leave you are only taking what you can carry. Knowledge is BIG! Learn what you can, while you can!!