Reply To: Recruiting

  • FreeManatOverlookMeadow

    December 15, 2022 at 12:22 am

    I recommend coming up with some key things you are looking for to add to your group. Possibly using the acronym SWOT. This is a strategic planning tool. It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Using these 4 quadrants and listing the items in each category will help greatly in determining what people you are looking for to enter your group. From that point you can use many outlets to look for those qualified to be and fit in your MAG. Come up with a vetting procedure ahead of time so you have a guideline for entry or denial. Using meet ups and having current members chat with people coming to the meet up. Pot luck dinners for like minded folks. Same process. Talk to folks and gather info of them. Gather back and use current MAG members to discuss and debate using pre set guidelines. Focus on skill sets needed, improving on or complimenting. Make sure new folks will be a good fit.