Reply To: Most Overlooked ITEM in Preparedness

  • Grumpy_G

    August 26, 2022 at 5:03 pm

    This is going to sound counter intuitive; in the larger sense of preparedness, I think it is water. Most people, even serious preppers, under estimate the amount of water needed to maintain a working homestead. And since homesteading is the natural landing spot in the evolution of a prepper, that’s the target we should be aiming for. It’s relatively easy to prep for survival levels. That’s not what we are preparing for, though. We are preparing to thrive, not just survive. In the event of a collapse, in order to thrive we need water for ourselves, hydration and hygiene. We’ll also need water for our livestock and our gardens. Stock ponds and drought resistant crops can alleviate the problem a bit; still the amount of water that is consumed on a working homestead dwarfs what most people “prepare” for.

    That’s my 2 cents, YMMV