Reply To: Living in a home – not a SHTF bunker

  • MartHale7

    May 8, 2023 at 5:26 pm

    One part of me wants to be a minimalist, this fights with the prepper in me which wants to save everything because…. I may need that someday….

    The battle is real.

    I am seriously looking at doing some tests with burying some 55 gal food grade barrels. I like this idea as it would keep the food at about 50 – 70 degrees, and would give me back my storage space. This appeals to me because if we loose electricity, the vacuum packed food would not need any electricity to keep it cool or warm. It would move my long term food storage out of my home giving me all of that space back. I would have to label the barrels with what all they had in them, but getting the space back may be worth it.