Reply To: Moving advice wanted

  • Tin-Foil-Tiara

    August 19, 2023 at 5:49 pm

    Our last move, a 26′ truck BARELY fit everything and that was without the giant sectional. Since then, I’ve gotten rid of SO MUCH STUFF. I’m going to be watching a couple episodes of Hoarders to get me in the mood to go though and ditch even more. I’m also trying to get as much of it out into the garage as possible, in one big lump, so that I can more accurately estimate just how much we have. *sigh* I suck at estimating stuff.
    As for helpers, it’s just myself, my husband, and our children. Our neighbors are all older, have jobs, are busy, etc. No family or friends around either. Sounds lonely, but we like it this way. Thinking of possibly hiring a couple guys from the local branch of the state college to help load. As far as unloading, however, we have friends there who would be able to help. I just don’t want to impose and I loathe asking for help. It’s not a pride thing, it’s an I don’t want to be a burden and I don’t want it lorded over my head thing. Which has happened several times in the past. Unfortunately.
    Thanks for your input 😊