Reply To: Chickens Killed

  • Woodsman

    March 16, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    Yes, Opossums would be considered a predator species, but a lazy one. Hence, prefers to scavenge for resources. Little known fact; so is the American Bald Eagle.

    I have captured many Opossums using live traps. I use cat food (can) and they smell it a ways off and come larking at night.

    So let them come to the smell of cat food or tuna and not the smell of chicken crap! Meaning, the critter is following it nose. So, place the live traps near the chickens. Hence, replacing the chicken smell with the bait smell.

    Fasten hard cloth around the end of the trap where the food/bait would be placed. The hard cloth will prevent the critter from reaching the bait through the bars of the trap.

    The Opossum will choose to go into the trap because it is easier than chasing chickens. Of course, a good, clean coop helps.