Reply To: Grabbing while the grabbing is good for garden supplies.

  • Summerhat-n-Chicks

    January 26, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    I try to be as self reliant as possible and with that in mind, I collected my toilet paper cardboard rolls to use for my seedlings which I can easily share with neighbors or pot into the next stages. I’m tired of plastic, most of it gets bridle and falls apart into pieces I end up having to throw it into the garbage because recycling is pretty much a lie as well. I’m going to use my own seed starting soil this year and will see how it goes. In previous years, I mostly sowed directly into the ground which often made no difference in the end. The same goes for fertilizer, trying the best I can to make my own and , yes, using Urin (I do have commercial backups , but definitely no Miracle grow), because when SHTF, we might not get any of anything so we’re better be ready do know how to do it ourselves.