Reply To: Professional Services Assistance

  • MilkMaid

    January 24, 2023 at 3:26 pm

    Horses, Milk cows, cheese making, and general ranching, farming, gardening issues. 50 + years experience in equine, 12 in milkers, and a lifetime in frugal living. Make due with what you’ve got. Use it up, wear it out or due without.

    I have bred, raised, trained and sold quality horses (currently and 25 years with Andalusian) all my life. I may be of assistance through phone or video conference.

    I might be of assistance with milking and or feed questions, cow selection…

    Construction, I’m certainly no professional but we’ve built our entire ranch mostly ourselves including our home, foundation, plumbing, walls, drywall electrical etc. I certainly can make suggestions you may not have thought of.



    [email protected]