Reply To: Getting things you don’t need right now because you will later!

  • Beachchic

    October 22, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I didnt read through all the coments because there are so many, you all are so good!

    I try and thing about small stuff you wouldnt normally think about till its needed.

    •Books this to me is one of the most important things, you can learn to do just about anything! I have a large library of books, I am a book worm!

    •Plastic and/or tarps: you may need to cover a broken window, keep a sick person in a room off from others, cover flooring around a sick person.

    •Various screws, nails, bolts, nuts

    •Super glue, duck tape, jb weld, various zipties

    •Car window sun blockers: forgive me I had a brain fart cant think of the name. But these are so cheap they can reflect sun in the summer but can draw the sun in for winter, you can make a solar oven with one, many uses for these.

    •Various needles, thred, fishing line and fabric: even if you dont sew you never know when you might have to learn. Major cut, clothing repair who knows. Once again cheap and many uses.

    •String, rope, wire, fishing line (I know this one was mentioned twice it has a ton of uses! Fishing, sewing, booby traps, animal traps, hanging stuff, tying stuff)

    •As BiggKidd mentioned glasses, you may be fine now but whos to say next year or so on you will be? Vision is a pretty high priority I would say.

    •Simple tools, hammer, screw drivers, pry bars, nail pullers, ratchets, sockets, axe, mull, shovel, hoe, rake, madock, pitchfork. Have several of each amd a way to repair them because tools break! Dont know how many times hubby has had to use the grinder to recut a stripped screw driver or a screw. Hes had to fix a broken wooden handle on a garden tool. Things happen when you use stuff a lot.

    •Pipe fittings, pipe, glue, cleaner