Reply To: Getting things you don’t need right now because you will later!

  • KimC

    October 21, 2022 at 11:45 pm

    Great info. What zone do you grow goldenseal in? I tried it in 9b, after paying a hefty price for a small starter plant, and it didn’t make it. Any growing tips would be appreciated. I might try again. Thanks.

    Also, something I haven’t seen anyone else mention yet: I’ve stocked Melaleuca essential oil for decades (original high quality tea tree oil that comes in at least two strengths; I get mine from In my experience, it works amazingly well on just about everything (think of the analogy of Windex from the My Big Fat Greek Wedding movie that the dad claimed was a cure-all for any ailment, only better). It’s antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, etc. Can be added to water to spritz the air to remove germs, removes bug bite pain on contact, great for scratches, helps stop bleeding quickly (not for a huge gash, but for small cuts works well), great added to salt water gargle for sore throat, speeds skin healing and reduces scarring, prevents/fights infection. I swab my nasal passages with it on a q-tip before using nasal spray when I feel a cold or possible sinus infection coming on. Works quickly to prevent fever blisters when used as soon as the tingling feeling occurs, and reduces the length of a bout when used often early on. Clears sores in the mouth quickly, especially when used early or on first discovery. It even helps prevent bruising and gets rid of bruises quickly, as well as aids lotion or muscle rub with its deep penetrating properties. Don’t ever put it in your eyes. Be careful where you buy it because there are a lot of lesser quality versions sold that won’t really work. The brand I buy has never failed me. I can’t think of a single injury of issue I’ve had that it hasn’t at least helped, if not actually fixed. I’ve used it for over three decades and am 100% sold on its benefits. If I could choose only one essential oil, it is my go-to.