Reply To: Getting things you don’t need right now because you will later!

  • BentNeedle

    October 21, 2022 at 4:39 pm

    I just planted GoldenSeal (natural antibiotic) along with other medicinal plants that grow wild in a forest canopy. Any one of us here can grow cayenne that’s good for bleeding wounds (even to stop bleeding from a tooth extraction!) as well as heart attack, stroke and lowering blood pressure. Most people are unaware of bentonite clay used externally for staph infections, diaper rash, any type of fungal or bacterial problem including gangrene. I’ve used a clay mask beauty product containing kaolin for fire ant bites and it took the sting out forthwith. Health food stores used to sell “Aztec Secret” (external use)a powder to mix with water. Drawing capabilities are excellent and any clay doesn’t go bad on the shelf.

    I’ve also used clay internally – good for GI problems such as IBS, colitis, etc. It’s also wonderful for FOOD POISONING which is a necessity for questionable times ahead. I use Tecopia Essential edible clay but it’s out of stock now and no notice when it’s available. I’ve taken Pascalite internally with no problems. They used to market it for internal use but the FDA has clamped down doncha know. It’s mined in Wyoming. (read their FAQ)

    Sodium bentonite swells to 10x it’s own weight where calcium bentonite is non-swelling. A blend of both is ideal but internally either can be used. Start with 1/4 tsp mixed in water using a plastic spoon and wait an hour to see if a 2nd dose is needed. It’s far superior to Pepto Bismal and for loose stools you’ll know when the “plug” is working lol. Stay hydrated too. Do not use Aztec Secret internally. Way too powerful!

    Disclaimer: just anecdotes here, more than a passing interest in medicinal herbs with many years of self experimentation. My supply of “fish” antibiotics has long expired but not a problem with fresh roots. I’d also suggest growing white willow for it’s bark (headache remedy before commercial aspirin was invented) and since we’re going back to medieval times….basket weaving.

    Apologies for the tome.