Reply To: New alternative to doctor pressuring you to take a vaccine….

  • Hippocrates_Garden

    October 13, 2022 at 2:01 am

    I speak only for myself.

    I’ve been an emt, lpn and RN.

    The more letters one has behind their name, it often seems, the less likely they are to actually listen to you, the patient. In my opinion, the #1 role of a nurse, is education (and translation of medical-ese for the purpose of education). Doctors, PA’s, NP’s.. are highly educated, hopefully skilled….. consultants. The ultimate decision lies solely with the patient or their legal representative, end of story.

    The number of times I’ve been told to “not say too much or they (the pt) won’t sign up” are part of what led me to quit hands-on nursing. That attitude, and action, is a violation of “informed consent”. if the patient is not fully informed, in a language they can understand, of the diagnosis, treatment recommendation, hoped-for benefits, risks, as well as all alternatives along with risks and benefits, and likely outcome of doing nothing….. they have not been informed, and thus cannot legally give consent.

    That is for medication, procedure or even admission to hospice.

    Policy and profits over patients, I want no part.