Professional Services Assistance
Tagged: canning, Cleaning, Crochet, sewing, Zone 4 Gardening
Professional Services Assistance
Davidmenk3 replied 1 month, 3 weeks ago 62 Members · 100 Replies
I make pure beeswax candles for myself and family/friends/sell. Any questions, just ask! I also make nearly all beauty products, soap, lipbalm, lotions, deoderant….I love to share recipes! If you have any questions, feel free to email me! If you are interested in any of these products, email me! [email protected]
Horses, Milk cows, cheese making, and general ranching, farming, gardening issues. 50 + years experience in equine, 12 in milkers, and a lifetime in frugal living. Make due with what you’ve got. Use it up, wear it out or due without.
I have bred, raised, trained and sold quality horses (currently and 25 years with Andalusian) all my life. I may be of assistance through phone or video conference.
I might be of assistance with milking and or feed questions, cow selection…
Construction, I’m certainly no professional but we’ve built our entire ranch mostly ourselves including our home, foundation, plumbing, walls, drywall electrical etc. I certainly can make suggestions you may not have thought of.
We’re near the Wichita, KS area and own an appliance repair business. One specialty we offer is that we will travel out to folks in the country. We live about 30 minutes out and can’t get anyone to come out to provide service to us. We saw that as a need and often find our country customers to be much more enjoyable than a lot of the city folks. You can reach me through here or it may be faster to call 316-775-8298 or email [email protected].
I’m also very experienced in creating documents on the computer – need a flyer for an event? Photoshop multiple photos together? Bring your ideas!
Hi all! I own a cleaning company that only uses safe and natural products. I know how to get a lot of stains off of various things. Not all though. Some are just beyond help. I also can do most basic crochet. Nothing to elaborate, but useful things like hats, scarves, and blankets. I garden in zone 4b Montana so I have some experience with shorter seasons. I also can. I not professional and am a bit of a rebel but there are many tried and true things that the FDA would have a cow about that I have been doing successfully for several years now. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
Getting blood out of white/cream carpet? Tearing out the carpet is not an option haha
Sometimes peroxide will remove blood. It depends on how long it has been there and TypeError of fabric.
I just joined (*thank you, Pinball!!) but wanted to add that I have years of experience with canning, as well as herbal medicines.
My hubby also is a cyber security engineer, so if you have questions, he may be able to help with that.
Would you happen to know any herbal remedies for fibro, arthritis, or migraines and tension headaches?
Feverfew is great for migraines. You can just chew a couple of leaves or take it as a tincture or tea.
Try Vitamin D with Vitamin K2 for your arthritis. It’s done wonders for mine. Better than any Rx that my doctor gave me.
Can it make blood pressure rise or fall or unstable. Just wondering.
Too much potassium can drop your blood pressure and, possibly, stop your heart. Have to make sure how much is right for you. Recommended daily amount, per my doctor, is 2 grams for me.
I’m trying to lower my BP because it’s been a little high. Cinnamon used to help but hasn’t done much lately. Potassium hasn’t done much for me either so i keep trying other things. Maybe i will find something that works eventually.
There are lots of foods that increase potassium. Oranges, lemons, and mangoes are some fruits. Most green vegetables in the cabbage and broccoli family and milk products. If you forage, chickweed is high in potassium and can be used to make a great pesto. Potatoes have the most potassium per serving size.
I have been massaging organic, cold pressed hex free castor oil into my knees 1 or 2 times per day and I can now carry stuff up stairs without discomfort/pain. I noticed a difference in less than a week. Research all the issues it corrects. Good luck!
I know how to crochet and knit, so I can offer assistance with basic questions related to that…I also have dealt with food allergies and sensitivities, so I may have some useful advice for substitutions there. My husband is a gunsmith, and while it’s hard for him to determine the problem without actually looking at it, he can help with basic information.
I need a firing pin for a 22 rifle. Would you possibly know where I can get one?
Former paralegal, now virtual assistant.
Paralegal, huh…hmmmm any experience in the sex offender universe? Or know someone else who does?
Licensed Veterinary Technician. Went to school for 2 yrs to pass State & National Exam. My focus was on Large Animal & Food Animal. I knew that the skills I learned would be needed one day. I had already retired but needed to learn how to properly take care of animals. And maybe use that knowledge to barter.
I am NOT a replacement for a Veterinarian. And if your question is beyond my Scope of Practice, I will tell you.
16-year mortgage Loan officer nationally licensed. Specializing in Construction Mortgages on properties LESS than 10 acres. https://www.woodlandsmortgagebank.com/contactus/ make a note that you heard about the site on Pinball’s Freesteading post
20+ years in managing hazardous waste, enviro permitting, metal machining, & casting
I have lived on a farm for 33 years. Now retired from farming but did raise sheep and goats for 30 plus years have been canning for many many years. I have been an avid knitter for many many years.
Veteran, full-time, self-employed computer and network technician. I’ve been in the IT world since 1998 so I’ve got a bit of experience.
I would consider myself well-rounded with experience in O-T-R trucking and construction. I was taught from a young age that you should understand how things work so you can fix them or at least communicate intelligently with someone who can.
Network and computer technician, web developer, and before that a civil engineering/surveying designer specializing in grading and drainage. After that, I’m a jack of all trades and master of none, but I’ve done a lot of (successful) electrical, plumbing and house building and repair. have a lifetime of experience with dog raising and first aid. Also experience with goats, chickens and a little with horses. I do herbal home cures for humans and the dogs and goats. I work on my old trucks and cars, but you could probably find a lot better advice around than what I could offer for mechanics.
I am a veteran as is my husband.
I have been helping other veterans with any questions they may have regarding VA Compensation and Pension issues as well as Disability issues for the past 20 years. I can also assist in directing you to the right folks for questions on buying a house, getting insurance, banking with USAA.
Please email at: [email protected]
USAA is an insurance company and bank which provides services like car insurance and banking for military personnel. My daughter has USAA.
My husband is a vet and unable to work. He was turned down for disability even though he had a knee replacement, disc removed from his back, shoulder surgery, chronic pain and much more.
Turned down for VA Disability? or SSDI? If VA, find a DAV group to resubmit the application. For VA you have to have documentation from active duty & trace it to today. As in “Pfc. Smith hurt knee went to clinic”. Many don’t keep active duty medical files but that is what you need. DAV has pretty good success with VA claims.
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