Posted by MartHale7 on December 16, 2022 at 2:07 amMartHale7 replied 1 year, 12 months ago 7 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
Why yes, I admire your enthusiasm and spunk. Just what we need for human shields and sandbags. Maybe speedbumps for tanks. But you WILL be “living off the land”! How exciting!
I really love the ones who say ” I’ll just come to your house”…. Yeah sorry there Skippy, you’re not invited
I have saved a 50 lb bag of rice for them. I figure 8 hours of work for 1 cup of rice is great wages for someone who did not prepare. 🙂
But if they did not prepare, then they would have poor work habbits as well so would have to have a task master for them, till they learned to work. And if they are smart they will learn to store for themselves so they can work smarter and not harder.
Those who comes uninvited will become food, feed and compost!
Yeah, it is one of the reasons I want a bug out plan, it will be easy to deni them who do not prepare, but it will be worse to deni their children who are hungry. One of the reasons I would like to setup working gardens so they can work for food, and, create food for the hungry that will come after them.
But the root problem is they have been trained to leech off others, but have not been trained to work for themselves.
Thats the govt for you. Like the Bible says, give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
Actually, the bible does not say, that, but it does say, “If a man will not work, let him not eat”…. which is close to that 😉
Youre right!! Its a Chinese proverb. 😊 I had to look it up because I was like whaaaaat!! Lol
That is why I am setting up a program for Kindergarten and school, like a community but they will pay for it someway. If it is only praying to God and teach there children better.
My husband is still in denial, let him do the groceries and he is complaining but it will get better soon. I am preparing all I am able to do so, praying I do not have to say told you so. And he will find out what I have been doing al those years, he already thinks I am looney toons.
There is a group locally that teaches square foot gardening to children. It is a good program, children adore to see a seed turning to a plant.
The virgins that had oil for the wedding feast did not share with the virgins who had no oil. They informed them to go and buy oil. There are some windows of opportunity that if we fail to prepare we fail. The care for the widows in the New Testament was not to all widows, there were requirements for who was to be helped and those who were not to be helped. I have limited resources, thus with my limited resources I will help, I will help them to remember to prepare. More likely they will be on the first ride to a fema camp that comes along.
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