Banks closing coin dealer accounts.
Banks closing coin dealer accounts.
Posted by MartHale7 on September 13, 2023 at 3:37 amGinger1632 replied 1 year, 3 months ago 7 Members · 17 Replies -
17 Replies
Yes, this has been going on for a little while now. After they finish off the coin dealers, who do you think they will go after next? Firearm owners? Homesteaders? Preppers? Remember, unless ALL of your transactions are in cash, the bank knows what we are spending money on.
Obama came after gun dealers….
IRS went after anyone conservative….
They must remove any option other than CBDC…..
Barter, creating your own food, and getting right with God all seems like good things to move into now ….
So true about the banks knowing what we are spending our money on. The scary part is that it will be used against us. I try to use cash as much as possible but it is a challenge.
Yeah, I would rather use a credit card, however cash still works when cards don’t…
However, when you carry cash one has to be careful who sees you have cash.
I have been thinking out hiding places in my van of where I can put cash, so that I can have only a little over the amount of cash I need for like filling up my gas tank. With all of the fake displays on gas stations and imbeded systems that can steal your credit card info I have moved to spending the extra time to pay for my gas ahead of time verses risking having my credit card data stolen.
In one place I have cash for gas, and another place cash for groceries, and yet another cash for emergencies, so my van has become my ATM ๐
I actually have had my debit card information stolen from a gas station. Not fun. I do find that as the “world leaders” push for a one world govenment and etc – it is forcing us to become creative with how we store/hide/obtain our resources. Crazy times.
I had my friend had a call and told them that their bank account was zero.
It took time but they got their money back….
But it seems the better place to have one’s money is in a credit union, and perhaps 2 of them might be even better.
I try to keep only what I need to pay the bills for the next 3 months in the bank, then I replenish the account for the next 3.
Keep in mind that even credit unions are not a sure thing. On the list from the Federal Reserve of early adopters of the FED NOW system was a handful of credit unions. While the FED NOW system is NOT a CBDC, it is the foundation for a CBDC.
Thus the need to have $ in multiple forms, Pay your bills ahead, food on the shelf, extra propane on the shelf, silver to pay your taxes, and a plan to bug out if our gov decides to have a chemical accident right next to your home, as the gov is NOT coming to save you.
There’s an app for checking if a cc machine is real/secure.
I try to use cash as much as i can. I only use debit/credit on large purchases. They are really watching and scanning everything you purchase especially at those self checkouts. I watched a video recently that cash usage has risen in the UK. It seems a lot of things that were created as a convenience like cell phones and credit cards, can also be used against us.
The new ones are placed INSIDE the gas pump, you can’t see it or pry the device off ๐
Cash is starting to be king with me again, but I am mindful of how much I carry and I want to remember to put the cash in my pocket and not open my wallet to put the cash in that other can see what cash i have in my wallet. I go out to my car and put the cash in my wallet there.
Heads on a swivel…
Thanks, MartHale7, for the pocket-wallet-car tip. I’m a bit obsessive about keeping all the denominations in order so I’ll end up standing at the check-out, sorting the bills. You raised my awareness. Will be doing the sorting AFTER getting in the car and locking the doors. Also, the regular shoppers will likely appreciate not having to wait while my ducks get in a row. ๐๐๐
I haven’t used cash at the gas pump in ages. How does this work? If you have to pre-pay, how do you avoid your amount getting stolen before you get back to your car? I’ve read several accounts of people paying inside and when they get to their car, someone else is pumping (stealing) the gas into their own car.
I’ve decided that using gift cards at the pump might be a solution. What do y’all think?
I like having more than one option. I have my credit cards as backup. I don’t like debit cards because of the fee to deal with them, but I do like the idea of having a card with a limit that they cannot have access to my main credit card.
I have Cc for purchases and debit card for cash and direct electronic payment from my credit union to the Cc company. Any false purchases on Cc are taken care of by Cc company. Haven’t had an issue doing business this way.
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