Reply To: Chicken breeds

  • GoldenGryphon

    March 10, 2023 at 1:16 am

    I keep Dorkings, Silver-grey and a few other varieties. The Silver-grey do well enough in the heat, but I make sure they have shade and some shallow water containers. They will stand in the shallow water in late July through August when we’re hitting 109F and high humidity.

    What you’re looking for in a chicken is a leaner, smaller bird with large comb and wattles. Leghorns and their close relatives, as well as Mediterranean birds, and types from South America.

    I’m in 9A, so my birds have to be able to deal with heat, humidity, and the occasional sudden Arctic blast. What your birds will need to deal with depends on where you are in Arizona and how much protection you can give them.

    Here’s a list of Chicken breeds that’s fun to go through:

    Good luck finding your perfect match!