Reply To: Marketing Elderberries

  • DeepSouthBamaGRITS

    February 9, 2023 at 5:11 pm

    Here is a pic of my “MOTHER TREE” (I’ve since taken several cuttings to make more that I’ve got planted all over the place so the birds will have more berries to steal from besides my big tree).
    This mother tree is 16-18ft tall. The ones I planted a couple of years ago are 14-16 ft tall. But these are not propagated varieties you get from nurseries or online. These are the native, wild ones here. I do have two I got online about 5 yrs ago and they are barely 12-18 inches tall. One is called Johns & the other is Adams. They were sold as pairs since they best pollinate each other for better production. They haven’t done ANYTHING here. In 2020 I rooted several cuttings. I planted them in the fall of 2020. By March of 2021, they were 3+ ft tall. end of March 2021 they were 8ft tall and June 26, 2021 they were blooming & had berries. See 2nd set of pic’s #1 to see how much they had grown! By 2022 (last summer) they were HUGE TREES and FULL of blooms & ton’s of berries that literally broke some of the limbs from the weight of the fruit. Didn’t completely break all the way thru & I’m going to be pruning them all hopefully this weekend. I will be rooting all of the pruned branches (cutting into smaller pieces) to have more plants. I barter with other people with my elderberry plants. Or I give them to friends. I’ve mailed many small rooted plants to friends in other states & they are growing VERY well.
    Not sure if mine do so well because I planted them at the bottom of a slope where the soils stays rather moist. Our soil is very acidic, too. Plus I fertilize them all with just rabbit poop and EVERYTHING I fertilize with that grows like crazy!
    1-Mother Elderberry Tree HUGE!!
    2. Elderberry 4 months old after being in ground)-March 8, 2021 that was planted in Nov 2020
    3. Elderberry at 4 months old (in the ground)- March 8, 2021
    4. Elderberry at almost 5 months old (in the ground)-March 26, 2021
    5. Baby Elderberry rooted in spring 2022 & bloomed that summer 2022 STILL IN POT.
    6. Baby Elderberries rooted in water then transplanted to pots & kept in filtered sun. These are about 4 months old. The one flowering is to the right about middle ways up from bottom.