Reply To: The wheels on the bus…

  • Toni

    August 29, 2022 at 1:07 am

    Firstly, kudos to you for following your passion regardless of less than ideal circumstances!! That’s just awesome in my book!! 🙂 Thanks for all the great tips and things to consider! Our plan is to follow Billy and Michelle’s set-up with a few modifications – we’re using cattle panels with chicken wire attached instead of netting, setting up lanes in our garden for this year and running them through the cover crops while providing feed the whole time since our first chick order was for cornish cross and cornish roasters… we missed the memo on that breed not working well with the chicken tractor on steroids. We hope to try his complete plan next spring and have ordered buff orpington hens and roosters this fall to breed and then incubate and grow out for meat birds next year. We plan to use the orange netting overhead as they show in their videos and we actually do have live owls on our property also, although a plastic one might be purchased depending on how things go this fall. Again thanks and looking forward to seeing more about what you come up with here!!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by  Toni.