Reply To: Growing Comfrey

  • Sven

    October 21, 2022 at 3:11 pm

    It will die back, but re-emerge in spring. Mine has been through 3 days of below freezing and is still green and growing when the sun hits it. I’m planning to dig up root cuttings tomorrow and plant 1-200 cuttings for spring. Got mine from Permapasturesfarm. I also got Bocking 14 from another place 2 years ago. In my zone of 7a Billy’s Bocking 4 is more vigorous and the soil here is rubbish, mostly hardpan clay. But, the comfrey seems to like it and prefers moisture. I put a bunch on the downhill (and uphill) sides of a Hügelkultur mound. Didn’t seem to make much difference, it grows well there.