Reply To: Fund less project priorities

  • CarolinaCarefree

    October 17, 2022 at 10:26 pm

    Do you have blackberry or grapes? You can grow these on a fence line. Nobody wants to climb over blackberries. Security is not just keeping people.out but rather channeling them to a better position for your advantage. I to keep them out, but if not, place them in the open pasture with nothing to hide behind. This will give you the advantage. A river is a great advantage. Again an opening they would have to get across. What ever you use, make sure it’s something someone could not use against you. If it is a heugal mound that they ahave to get around, plant cactus, yucca, or whatever plant would cause them to say, I am not laying on that to hide. This would be on the outside perimeter. On the inside plant you crops that will provide food. Check out the YT video by PermaPasture and others on Don’t defend you home,, but defend your homestead. Or something like that. It’s an eye opener for security. Just remember, don’t let presser or hype get to you. Soldiers march miles, one step at a time. You have started and are farther than when you started.