Reply To: Fund less project priorities

  • AiNt-RiTe-Acres

    October 16, 2022 at 1:31 am

    Find a local saw mill that you can get free or cheap wood chips or saw dust from. If that doesn’t pan out look at getting a small electric wood chipper and chip up the branches around your place. Check with anyone and everyone nearby that frets over raking leaves or dealing with clippings. All those things can be gathered cheaply to make mulch, bedding etc. The answer really depends on your plans, what you have now ie land, buildings, critters, gardens, orchards etc.

    Along with your needs like perhaps firewood, lumber or those things.

    There’s options beyond money. Depending on your future goals you may be able to do some bartering for some of those wanted items. You’d be surprised at how readily some folks are willing to trade and what they’ll trade for. We have a German Shepherd and I’ve got a guy who told me if we’ll breed her he’ll trade me to ewes and a ram for pick of the pups. Back in GA we had a small yard and chickens. The neighbor had a garden. We swapped eggs for veggies and he’d even give us the rotten veggies and scraps for the birds. My wife had the neighbors boys cut our grass for years simply by trading baked goods for their labor, homemade cookies and good cornbread is like gold to some folks. So my suggestions are gather free mulch materials, take stock in what you have to trade ie items you don’t use, skills, tools you could loan perhaps, knowledge even. I personally would pledge a whole hog to someone if they could teach me what’s safe to forage. (Gotta get a hog first) point is I’d barter and most people will as well. The trick is to find out what they want. Sometimes you have to barter up. Sometimes you have to barter with Joe because he has what John wants and John has what you want. Sometimes you gotta get creative. One thing you can do that’s inexpensive is smile, shake a hand and connect with others. They might help you get where you want to go. Contacts always come in handy if you take the time to make them.